Windows Programming - December 2009

by August
Keystorkes & AutoTyping (1,2)
1) How can you record keystrokes with c++ or win32 ? 2) How do you make a program send typing commands or auto type something into other windows?
[20 replies] Last: I'm 90% sure that August used unorthodox and/or unclean methods (if h... (by chrisname)
by none
library link error
Hi. I have the following compiler error. The project was once Visual Studio 2003 and it compiled successfully without any problems and worked without a probl...
[3 replies] Last: Library.lib(DiskSv.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "p... (by none)
by zsukal
How to copy one char* array to another.
I write function but can not copy one array to second. If is one alert work good, but if are two alerts program is stoped witch error. I want to copy text to v...
[1 reply] : if (*t != "\0") should be if (*t != 0) or if (*t != NULL) ... (by kbw)
by Null
What am I doing wrong?
Hello, I'm trying to create a toolbar. Here's my code: /* I could post whole code but it's 300+ lines... */ case WM_CREATE: // hinst - instance of w...
[no replies]
by olegsh
Problem with receiving WM_CREATE message in ATL ActiveX
ATL ActiveX control embedded in Internet Explorer not receiving WM_CREATE, WM_DESTROY, WM_SHOWWINDOW messages. Other messages (WM_LBUTTONDOWN for examp...
[no replies]
How to add colour to a C4D object in darkGDK
I am making a game with C++, DarkGDK and C4D. I got it to upload an object into the program but it only appears as white. anyone know whats wrong?
[no replies]
Tracking File Saving using 'Save As' menu options...
I need your help in cracking a problem i am facing....... I want to track the saving of a file using 'Save As' menu option of different applications(like not...
[no replies]
VC C++ 2005 Error Create Register in clr form
hi , I'm New In C++ FORM crl Programing I Want to Register Data to registry I check Sample Code in MSDN like this : RegistryKey ^ regkey = Regist...
[1 reply] : Within string literals, you need to type \\ to have a backslash: "SOF... (by Bazzy)
WinSock - getting source code from website (1,2)
So today was my first time using winsock, and I'm trying to make a program to display the source code of a webpage, but its not working. Here's my code, #incl...
[26 replies] Last: So this is what I'm doing, host = gethostbyname("")... (by gsingh2011)
by didijc
view selection source
Hey everyone and happy holidays!!! I'm working on creating my own browser and was wondering if there was a way to incorporate my own Context Menu (the menu y...
[4 replies] Last: aside from looking up all you can about menus (if you haven't already ... (by Mal Reynolds)
i install visual c++ , i havve win7 i think i dont install the suftware good but, he won't recognize nothing, no liberias no nothing, i put <iostream> and he...
[1 reply] : God help us all! Still using XP, but I know the day of reckoning is c... (by freddie1)
Creating a DDB...
ok, i would like to print a picture in a window. I think that the first step should be to transform the data i have into a DDB, device dependent bitmap... and t...
[1 reply] : I wonder if this is pallette related - because DIB_PAL_COLORS meas to ... (by guestgulkan)
I have a poblem whit the source-code
Hi , i am an beginner i install Blooshed Dev-C++ and i wrote this source-code but i can't compilie it : #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> using nam...
[4 replies] Last: thanks very much (by pauliancu)
visual c++ soft..
hello i install the visual c++ from the same file i install last time but now i cant fount the option of "RUN TO CRUSOR" and the option of THAT WHILE I AM PR...
[1 reply] : Run to cursor runs the program in the debugger with a breakpoint at ... (by kbw)
Formatting a drive
Hi, I was wondering what are the other options besides shformatdrive() that can be used to format a disk. And is there one that can format the disk without user...
[9 replies] Last: Ok thanks for the help, I'll go take a look at msdn again. (by lakobos)
by ezeuba
Code not compiling
Good day, I have this code which always throws an error when I try to compile it. Please can anyone take a look and tell me where I got it wrong. Thank you all...
[11 replies] Last: If you were going to use enter anyway you could just use cin.ignore(... (by tummychow)
Images with Graphics Flush
Hello, I use the flush function (Graphics object) to display an image from byte array in the pictureBox. But the problem is, that if some window overlaps ...
[no replies]
by alxx
Streamed data via pipes
Hello everyone. A Win32 application (the "server") is sending a continuous stream of data over a named pipe. GetNamedPipeInfo() tells me that input and outpu...
[8 replies] Last: The overhead comes from all the NT Security/Lan Manager crap. If you ... (by kbw)
Menu Images
How can I insert images into a menu in C++? I'm talking about the kind of images VLC(VideoLAN) has on the left of some menu items.
[3 replies] Last: Check this page: (by guestgulkan)
[visual c++ 2008] problems builing a simple gui program
if i try to compile this code visual c++ 2008 gives me some errors... practically it says "impossible to convert from const char to LPCWSTR" in all the parts...
[2 replies] Last: oh perfect! now it works!!!! thank you (by mamo139)
December 2009 Pages: 123
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