Windows Programming - December 2008 (Page 3)

hr = D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain returns -2005270527
I have been bashing my head on the keyboard for 3 days over this it is just driving me insane. when I call D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain hr = -2005270527. I ...
[2 replies] Last: yes i have dx10 installed. You need it to compile. and yes my video ca... (by DeusMos)
How to install this library in C++
I downloaded three files, but I dont know how to use them. * normal.C, the source code. * normal.H, the include file. * normal.csh, commands to compile t...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry... (by jackystc)
VERY SIMPLE question about reading .txt files in Visual C++
I have just switched over to Visual C++ after using emacs (I copy/pasted working code on emacs into Visual Studio), and I was wondering how I can get my program...
[1 reply] : It will generally look in the same directory as the executable (with V... (by firedraco)
Windows "blocks" the serial/rs-232 port on start-up?
I'm working on a dll for Omnipass, wich will allow the user to login to Windows via a device connected to the COM port. The dll works perfectly when testing it...
[1 reply] : I tried adding both "/fastdetect" and "/NoSerialMice" to boot.ini with... (by danieliskogen)
by zaac
run program as administrator
hey how would i run a program from c++ code as administrator. i have tried system("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"); the code looks l...
[2 replies] Last: It has nothing to do with CreateProcess() See news:// (by george135)
how is it
i hav already made a program of point of sale of a Burger House Business,but stil,i need help bcoz i know it has errors.. here is the example output of my prog...
[8 replies] Last: Can you post the code again? (by danieliskogen)
Reading memory
Making a simple memory editor, using the ReadProcessMemory method, but I have a question about memory that I cant seem to find anywhere by gewgling, i guess i j...
[6 replies] Last: How is Buffer declared? (by helios)
December 2008 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [nov2008] [jan2009]

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