Windows Programming - December 2008 (Page 2)

Subclassing example in context.
I have been looking around on this sites forums/search and at codeguru, codeproject, google, yahoo, etc for a sample code of subclassing in it's original contex...
[19 replies] Last: I installed Visual Studio and tried the code with the same results as ... (by SuperCub)
by Corpus
Determining source of keyboard input (BEEP! Orange juice added to shopping list)
Hi all BACKGROUND (you can skip to the question if you like): I have a PC hanging in my living room, right next to the fridge. My family and I use that PC f...
[3 replies] Last: Hmm, you could use GetConsoleMode () to test the input (the function ... (by Duthomhas)
Colored string
Hello guys!!! Im learning C, and i got a dude. How to create a colored string? e.a: This a <red>error</red> mensage. I want that the string "error" stay ...
[5 replies] Last: Well, since this is a Windows forum, why not use the Microsoft API... (by Duthomhas)
use variables to compare strings
I am trying to compare two strings and need some help please. Lets say string one is str1 and derived from a cin statement cin >> str1; str2 is done the ...
[4 replies] Last: Yup, you are on the right track! (by jsmith)
How to Rotate an Image
Hi, I am developing a GUI for an audio system. I have a Gif image with me. This image is to be used as the volume control (round slider) in the audio system GU...
[2 replies] Last: You can try with GDI+ (by Bazzy)
by scythe
Killing a thread properly
I'm working on a project that's almost done. When I started, the framework (Windows programming and some other stuff) was already completed by another programme...
[8 replies] Last: It works now. Thanks for your help, people! (by scythe)
Compiling Error
I made a program that should work properly under normal conditions, but for some reason does not. The programs are cards.cpp and cards.h. I am compiling in Mi...
[8 replies] Last: Ok guess it's the only option I have. Thanks for your help. (by epiqu1n)
I Am new at c++ and i need a little help. I want to make a Password for my program and i dont no how to. can someone help me please?? Thanks, MM
[6 replies] Last: Thanks This Helped Me. I Finished My Project I Was Working On Thank... (by GrosseVogel)
Using Args at cmd line
Hi, I am making a notepad replica using Dev-Cpp, and I figured if I went into the cmd prompt, and typed in "Notepad whatever.txt" it would create it for you if ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks to both of you!! (by Legend28469)
by iMark
Get a registry info
Hello, I'm kinda new to C++ and need help. Can anyone tell me please, how can I get the value of port number of remote desktop which is in: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACH...
[17 replies] Last: Compare the return value to ERROR_SUCCESS. If it's not equal, it means... (by helios)
opening files
Hi Imagine I have made something like paint. When I double - click an image file I want my program to open it. How can I do that? I know how to start a program...
[3 replies] Last: D'oh. Now I get it. =) (by scythe)
Random numbers
Hello! I have one problem that I don't understand: I need to generate some random numbers so I use: #include <ctime> srand(time(0)); int r = (rand() % n)...
[3 replies] Last: I need to write an article on this. rand() implements a linear cong... (by jsmith)
USB Dismount not turning off my USB Drive?
I'm making an app that needs to safely remove USB Drives and SD cards. When i execute my code,the drive gets forced not to be ready. I have an old 128MB u...
[no replies]
Working on Palindrome program
I was looking on some forums but at the moment i cant find someone that help me. I am making an homework for C++ about Calculate the palindrome of a number and ...
[1 reply] : (by Zaita)
a question about time(NULL) function
hello everybody, I wrote a program for calculating current date and time using function time(NULL). I read this function contains total seconds from 1970.01...
[11 replies] Last: thanks Duoas! .... that's three days since day one: the day number ... (by danyaljj)
by munger
MVS problem cannot open include file ''
I am trying to work on an old project that a coworker developed under MVS 2005. He has since left the compnay and I've pulled the project out of our source co...
[no replies]
by Taibo
even number sum
can anyone help solving this program..."write a program to sum all even numbers from 1 to 100" thank you
[11 replies] Last: @epiqu1n You dont have to feel gulty or someting. You're right that... (by Scipio)
What is The Difference Between CSocket() and socket()? About MFC
To make things easier for cosing in Win32 API, MFC is created which wraps Win32 API in classes. At the beginning i though MFC is there only to aid you making...
[3 replies] Last: MFC was done to create a common object system and to hide details maki... (by anders43)
by izyani
Develop CSP in Vista
I already tried it and finally I managed to replace the value for advapi32.dll (i refer to one of the website). After I change the advapi32.dll, what I did w...
[no replies]
Alarm Clock Programming
(sorry if its in the wrong spot) This is supposed to play a file (That I can do) Save a file (That I can do) Load a file (That I can do) Get system time (...
[6 replies] Last: I think I'm going to give this alarm clock a break for now. I thought ... (by Legend28469)
December 2008 Pages: 123
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