Windows Programming - December 2008

by epifel
Listing directory contents on VC++ 2008
How can I list directory contents using Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition ? I tried opendir and readdir from dir.h and dirent.h, but these libs are not availab...
[5 replies] Last: Try to find a download for the files you need. Just googling, I've fo... (by Bazzy)
GetModuleFileName ( NULL, szEXEPath, 2048 );
Long story made short, I felt the need for my program to be able to identify it's executable location. I stumbled across this function: GetModuleFileName ( NUL...
[4 replies] Last: SigmaSecurity (4) if the IDE is VS2005 your code have one error er... (by arpnet)
Read File .txt in automatic way
Dear All, i have a problem. I have a file .txt as in this example: A = 10; pippo = 3.2; nome = TOPOLINO; So i have in this file variables (A, pippo,...
[4 replies] Last: It's so easy~ You have no necessary to care this detail. GetPrivate... (by phikaa)
by conryf
Assertion Failure on Delete[]
Hi, I'm using ATL VC++ 6.0 writing a button for ArcMap and this code Is giving me an error and I'm completely baffled. I have commented it out to a frustrati...
[1 reply] : //Chokes right here on delete !!!! for( i=0; i<num_verts; i++ ) {... (by guestgulkan)
Resize console window
Ok, so I am trying to resize my console window so it can fit my program better. I found this website:
[2 replies] Last: Be reminded that the window size cannot be larger than the screen buff... (by aaronljx)
Draw a PNG in a control with GDI+?
How can i draw a transparent PNG to a control with GDI+? I know how to draw a PNG to the Dialog box but not to a control. This is what i use to draw a PNG...
[no replies]
Accessing USB Webcam
Working on a little spare time project, I am trying to access a simple USB webcam through C++ but cant seem to find any useful information through google. Has ...
[3 replies] Last: You don't need DS. Just use AVICap (msdn, ...) (by george135)
I'm putting this under windows programming becuase I think that's a windows header. I'm making a space invaders game in the command prompt. It's pretty cool s...
[6 replies] Last: Agreed. Use the curses library. GetAsyncKeyState() gets the async... (by Duthomhas)
by alivec
Well i have been working on a program for an hour or so, what it does is when i hit the escape key, it starts up the screen saver.. basically right now i have t...
[4 replies] Last: What you are trying to do won't work this way. Sorry. Google aroun... (by Duthomhas)
Windows prog error
Hi there, am trying an example from a book on windows programming and am getting errors that I have no idea what to do with. Am new to programming. Here are th...
[1 reply] : I would need some code...without it, I am guessing that you are either... (by firedraco)
how to manually open up printer port in vista?
"Unhandled exception at 0x6cfe0a3b (msvcr80d.dll) in Project.exe: 0xC0000096: Privileged instruction." trying output to a parallel port for my project and it...
[2 replies] Last: have you used winring0 before? i was wondering it tells me to just ... (by gen1mx6)
Mutex programming
Are mutexes OS specific or Process specific?
[2 replies] Last: In Windows, a Mutex is global, that is it operates across processes an... (by kbw)
subst command not working through createProcess()
Helo all, I try to do subst command to map a folder to a drive letter. I achieved it through command line. I did same thing via createProcess(). It ...
[5 replies] Last: Subst has nothing to do with junctions points (existed in Win 9x) Cre... (by george135)
We are in DESPERATE need i have a final exam for computer science and i need help/ suggestions for this assignment. any input is greatly appreciated. we're ...
[7 replies] Last: thanks for the help mikeb570 :D (by viperfang)
Program from console to Visual
Hello everyone, I need this program to be in visual c++ but i have no idea how to do that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I need a textbox that read...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, what firedraco said. Pretty simple really. (by giantMidget)
by izyani
Develop CSP in XP
I'm currently done with the source code. 1-develop the csp source code 2-change the advapi32(based on OS and Service Pack) 3-replace the advapi32 in c:\wind...
[no replies]
Errors in my gpa calculator program
Can someone please help me find the errors? I've been working on this for like forever and I just cant seem to find the problems now. This program accepts ...
[2 replies] Last: cout<<"Please insert the number of courses that you have taken for ... (by guestgulkan)
Linking a static library to a dynamic library
Hi, I'm working on a pet project which dynamically loads several dlls. One of the dll in turn has to be linked to a static libarary but i am getting the foll...
[6 replies] Last: I was building this on windows platform using C++ Express Edition 2008... (by Fasih Ahmed)
by jrohde
Hello, Below is a member function in an image class I've created - the purpose of this function is just to get the bytes from the screen and put them in an a...
[2 replies] Last: 1) The class constructor sets scanlines to NULL. Therefore it either... (by jrohde)
A chalenge in generating [REALY!] random numbers
Hello everybody, in a program i tried to use rand() function for generating random numbers , and in the end calculating PI with these. but result was that thi...
[12 replies] Last: The best way is with Win32 api . (Crypto and others) Those two... (by Tsuruya)
December 2008 Pages: 123
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