Windows Programming - August 2010 (Page 5)

Auto Format
So, I am trying to create a program that auto formats my f:\ (USB Drive), and I have this code so far: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <wi...
[6 replies] Last: it introduces a massive security leak into your program. For instance,... (by Seraphimsan)
C++ to sse2 intrinsic
how do i achieve the same result using sse2 intrinsic in the first 'for'loop? #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std...
[no replies]
Irc Pong
Hi, I been working on an irc bot but i cant seem to get the PONG command working, heres my code: //////////Irc.h///////////// #ifndef __IRC__ #define __IRC...
[8 replies] Last: Ok now i can receive the PING. also why this doesnt work: buffer =... (by FeZedra)
Is there a way to register a double press of a key with registerhotkey? If not, whats the best way to catch a double press? Im thinking registerhotkey, catc...
[4 replies] Last: Also, is it possible to know if a numpad key is being pressed without... (by Skillless)
MFC - Ignore enter-key presses
I have a dialog-based MFC application without buttons, just 2 textboxes. Whenever user presses enter, application exits. I've been searching for a way to ignore...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, it works! I read about overriding function OnOk on multiple si... (by Fresh Grass)
by vijkrr
what is the difference is creating object
hi all, Class A { public: A(){cout<<" A() "<<endl; } }; A Foo () // why it is not giving compilation error since return type is...
[7 replies] Last: Function declarations are allowed at local scope but the definitions. ... (by phanikrishna)
PHP Extension - how can i use iostream in vc2008?
Hi. I created a new php-extension. I did nothing but just write "#include <string>" int the php-extension source file,the vs2008 showed me such msgs. 1>c:\...
[no replies]
how 2 exit a program when user enters wrong password and username 3 tyms
Hi, can anybody help me with creating some sort of while loop for my program, when a user enters an incorrect username and password 3 times I want the program t...
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Kill a process when another is started
Hi, I have a program that logs in automaticaly. When it looses network connectivity it generates a restart process that lasts for 1-2 seconds and tries to run ...
[no replies]
Download a file from the internet
Ok, let's say that I have a program, and if users checks a box and click apply a file has to be downloaded from the internet! Is this possible for C++ ? Can y...
[4 replies] Last: (by Null)
by vivmen
error in CreateThread
Hi all , i am trying following code in vc++ 2008 , i am getting compiler errors which i am not able to understand , can some one help me , thanks in advance ...
[4 replies] Last: hello friends, i am new to this forum. i hope i will learn more from t... (by henery)
by Wander
Window that is mazimized
When I'm using SDL, how do I create a window that initially shows up maximized?
[no replies]
by x loto
Creating a multi-pane window
I'm writing a program for a friend to help manipulate character data in a forum-based role-playing game of which he is the DM. He isn't as familiar with compute...
[no replies]
HTTP & c++
Hello ! i'm new in c++ programming and i have to write a c++ application that will receive data from HTML form. So i need a library to do that. I've tried l...
[1 reply] : we cant help if you dont tell us what the exact problem is. (by Seraphimsan)
Getting the final sound buffer from the sound card
I am trying to build a game that takes input in the form of all the audio the player is currently playing. So in theory the user could open and play a sound fil...
[no replies]
Compiled App. does msvcr100.dll Error
Hallo. I had written and compiled aplication in C++ using WinApi. when I run it on my PC it runs perfectly but on the other pc it gives an msvcr100.dll Error. ...
[2 replies] Last: I was compiling it in release mode for other pc ) http://www.microsof... (by angrychair)
by Cpplus
I get error when compiling directx code in code::blocks
I copied all the directx Header Files to the include folder in code::blocks and all directX lib files to the libs folder in Code::Blocks but it dosnĀ“t work ...
[3 replies] Last: Have you linked the .a files in the build options? Don't you mean... (by Vexer)
August 2010 Pages: 1... 345
  Archived months: [jul2010] [sep2010]

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