Windows Programming - August 2010 (Page 4)

Spawn multiple threads dynamically from MFC
Hi, I have a need to start worker threads dynamically every time the user clicks on one of the buttons of my MFC Modal dialog box. The threads in turn, will ...
[7 replies] Last: is it possible to take individual actions when WaitForMultipleObjects... (by kbw)
Reading a null-terminated string
I am working on a file parser and need to read in a null terminated string. It is easy to read fields of known length but I am having trouble grasping the idea...
[1 reply] : fread is for files, so you wont be doing much with null terminated str... (by Skillless)
Error playing wav file with SFML
When I try to play this wav file (or any audio file) with SFML, the exe outputs some crazy characters, kind of like instead of playing the audio, it is outputti...
[8 replies] Last: Important: for the D... (by firedraco)
PlaySound not looping when commanded.
Using this code in VC++ 2008 express #include <windows.h> #pragma comment(lib,"Winmm.lib") using namespace std; { int main ( ) PlaySound(TEXT("c:\\ding....
[11 replies] Last: Yeah I'm pretty sure it just needed a sort of pause so the program wou... (by AdventWolf)
by Hiner
How to play mpg files in Windows Form?
I have now installed DirectX SDK. I am using VS2005 on Vista Home. I have visited "
[no replies]
by rain
If sentence doesn't work.
I want list only directories that doesn't have . or .. in they're name. I made if sentence but it still shows me directories that have . and .. in they're name....
[7 replies] Last: if (find first on wildcard) do if (name is .) continue;... (by kbw)
by vivmen
How to hide process
Hello all, i want to hide my process from process explorer (no one should know some process is running ) , is there any window api or way to do it ? tha...
[2 replies] Last: i do not want to create any virus , it is just my curiosity , i just w... (by vivmen)
by aayu09
gui design multiple pages
I am working on multipl pages of gui design with back and next buttons. My question is how to use the MS Visual Studio 2008 to design multiple controls. I hav...
[no replies]
A good tutorial.
I know basic C++ but want to learn how to make Window's windows and other more advanced programs. Does anyone know a more complex tutorial?
[1 reply] : Starting at ProgEx37 is a lot of GUI stuff. (by freddie1)
Mp3 files
How to play them in DEV-C++?
[5 replies] Last: ok thanks (by FeZedra)
Hi , Can any one tell me why is #define STRICT 1 used . Thanks in advance
[2 replies] Last: Thanks you, i got it (by bluecoder)
[Qt] Scale an image and assign it to a QPushButton
Hello! I'm writing a program with Qt framework. Now I'd like to set the background image of some QPushButtons. I'd like a scaled baskground, so the image sho...
[no replies]
by rain
How to check if file is directory based on it's attributes?
I know how to get file attributes, but I got problem. DIRECTORY = 16 but ARCHIVE = 32, so if I check it like if attribute > 16 then directory, I would get f...
[1 reply] : These values are chosen for a reason - they are powers of two They a... (by guestgulkan)
by rain
How To create char with dynamic size? How to remove last symbol of string?
How To create char with dynamic size? token is random lenght string that holds file path. FindFileData.cFileName is also random lenght string that holds file...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. I got question while I was digging in string pages. Is t... (by rain)
MFC - CString doesn't accept special characters
Is there any way to make CString in a MFC application accept special characters? The application crashes whenever user types unusual characters. I can replace s...
[1 reply] : For all that might have the same problem: The problem was with isdi... (by Fresh Grass)
How to show a number that is updated consistantly?
Hello, im using c++ and winapi and i can't figure out how to show a consistantly updated number in a dialog-based application. Think im trying to retrieve t...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks :) Marking topic as solved. (by temporaryavailable)
does VC 2010 allow ifstream::ifstream(std::string) ?!
Of course, this is not valid Standard C++, and VC 2008 disallows it: string fn("data.txt"); ifstream ifs(fn); // Error! Should be ifstream ifs(fn.c_str());...
[3 replies] Last: OK, now that I've had a chance to pore through VC 2010 documentation a... (by darwink)
It's worse then the blue screen of doom!
Your probably wondering what could probably be worse then the blue screen of doom? I'll tell you what. Yesterday I turned on my computer and the it just continu...
[1 reply] : Depends how far it gets in the boot-up cycle. (by guestgulkan)
Can't figure out a vector<struct> error
I'm learning genetic algorithms and have started writing a program to test some stuff out. Right now all the program does is seed a struct and push it into a ve...
[no replies]
by Null
How to associate a file type with program?
Hello, How can I associate a file type with my program? I think I can do this by editing registry but maybe there's an API function for this? Thanks for h...
[3 replies] Last: I figured this out myself, here's the code if anyone needs it: ... (by Null)
August 2010 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [jul2010] [sep2010]

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