Windows Programming - August 2010 (Page 2)

CryptDecrypt Problem...
I've created this program that once it has found a file it can encrypt the file and then decrypt it back again when ever the user wants to decrypt the file back...
[2 replies] Last: Hope this makes it more readable because I explained each line of code... (by monsterhunter445)
Opengl game project compiling error
I tried to compile the source code in a programming book called "Beginning Opengl Game Programming". However, I get the following error. Error: 0:1:": Ve...
[no replies]
by daveD
Function Pointer Problem
Hi, I am trying to use a function pointer and I am getting this error: cannot convert from 'void (__thiscall MyClass::*)(void)' to 'void (__cdecl *)(void...
[3 replies] Last: Great I have learned something today :) thanks firedraco! (by daveD)
by qbeec
Com accessing a function\com dll access\ what to choose how to implement
Hi I am definitely new to win32 developing so if I ask sth so absurd please bear with it. I am trying to access an ip camera, it is possible to do socket prog...
[no replies]
Capturing the return key?
How would you be able to tell if the user has pressed the ENTER key in an edit control? I made the control with CreateWindow, and I think I need to use WM_COMMA...
[1 reply] : Subclass it and handle WM_KEYDOWN. (by kbw)
by mozly
SDL timing not working!
So I read lazyFoo's SDL tutorial and now I wanna make my own game. I'm making my own rendition of tetris. The Problem: the blocks wont fall down unless my...
[no replies]
how to resolve this function header
sorry, i know this is a naive question,what i want to know is a certain answer. static DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc(LPVOID pvParam); is this form of function...
[3 replies] Last: Since you're using VC++, you can just hover the mouse over the identif... (by filipe)
by kaduuk
Windows Programming Tutorial
Hey guys! I've been on c++ programming for a while now, and I've been thinking about starting to learn how to program in windows.. So I went looking on th...
[3 replies] Last: The material on MSDN is actually pretty good: (by filipe)
by nsujan
COM Object C++ and VBA
Hi I am trying to create a class in C++ which needs to be accessible in VBA. I believe I can do it using COM objects. However, my understanding is that COM d...
[no replies]
by Null
GUI problems
I'm trying to make my GUI more object-oriented but I have some trouble. I'm trying to pass this as a parameter to SetWindowLong() function so I could use one ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the link! It works now. (by Null)
by si828
Com Port SMS module
Hi, I am currently trying to communicate with an GSM module via the serial port, using the code below I know that it is writing "AT." to the serial port which i...
[no replies]
Improving my OpenGl Win32 Frames Per Second Source
I am trying to make a frames per second OpenGl engine to use with all my games. I had previously made it in just Win32 with graphics but I found out how to link...
[7 replies] Last: No. First you have to load the bitmap to RAM and then you can load it... (by DaSpirit)
by Ethan
system() command in windows API
Is there any windows api equivalent to the system() command? Googling 'windows' and 'system' summons up virtually every webpage ever made, so pretty hard to fin...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome!! Thanks- (by Ethan)
program to make Driver/application perform a task through Client/Svr in Nwk
i need some basic guidence to write a program to make Driver of a device / application perform a task(like dispay a value or sound beep) which is on the client ...
[no replies]
problem with checkBox
hi ppl, ive got new problem today. i have checked checkbox. i want to do something like this: after unchecking this checkbox i want to textbox change status to...
[no replies]
How to handle “.. failed to start. Veryfy that you have sufficent privileges..
Hello all, When I try to install my software it gives the error "Error 1920. Service ... (...) failed to start. Veryfy that you have sufficent privileges to ...
[3 replies] Last: Hi kbw & Vexer, @Vexer Because that is the software I wrote name... (by togikan)
What C++ syntax is this?
Hi guys, this is my first post. I've been learning C++ for about a year and now started to learn windows API using MFC. Here i found a syntax that i don't recal...
[2 replies] Last: Now i see! It didn't occur to me earlier that type casting can be us... (by benzpinto)
How to get current mouse cursor icon VS c++
Hi, I use this code to get mouse position on screen and it's working. I also get cursor width and height. What I need is cursor icon in the moment I call functi...
[no replies]
question about TCP/IP
Hi, I have a question about TCP/IP connection using winsocket. I wrote a simple client and server codes using winsocket and they work perfectly ok on the same ...
[7 replies] Last: Hi nara i am a planning to write a code similar to this(Client/Server)... (by sedhara)
Edit Control Font
How do you change the font of an edit control? When I make them using CreateWindow, their font defaults to a bolded system font, which doesn't look very nice.
[4 replies] Last: case WM_CTLCOLOREDIT: SetTextColor((HDC)wparam,RGB(0,255,0));... (by Null)
August 2010 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [jul2010] [sep2010]

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