Windows Programming - August 2010

font print()
hey guys im working on a 2d pong game using DX and im using the print font () to display plyr 1 and 2 and the score next to the name but i want the score to ...
[1 reply] : I can't find any documentation for FontPrint() or PrintFont(). What... (by filipe)
by Mazd
Best GUI Library?
Hi,am have vc++( which use: win32 and MFC) and wxDev( which use: wxWidgets and Win32) to build GUI, but am fail to decide which should be my GUI creating GUI pr...
[8 replies] Last: Win32: You will need a good resource editor and be really patient, the... (by closed account N85iE3v7)
PLay a simple WAV or MP3 file with SDL
I've downloaded the libraries and my program compiles very well but no sound is heard and no output is generated. I used this tuttrial:
[no replies]
I am creating threads and each thread is writing something in a file, which a shared resource. I want all threads to finish the callback function, which is file...
[2 replies] Last: I actually found the problem. hThreadArray was not initialized. Tha... (by n4nature)
by spedy
RunModalLoop thread
Hi! I click on a button and a popup(style) dialog appears. I then call a runmodalloop function which recieves a certain amount of data and after it finishes ...
[no replies]
Any Win 32 API\WMI class to read User Account Control settings programmatically?
Can the configured values of User Account Control Group policy Security settings on Vista and later, be read programmatically using a Win 32 API or a WMI c...
[no replies]
Updating window within a period of time
Hi forum, I'm making a mp3-player, and I have a time bar within the program. I need to update the time bar while the music is playing within a period of time...
[2 replies] Last: That solved my problem. Thanks! (by Shatronics)
Trouble drawing from a function which has been passed the HDC
Hi, I am using a single wndproc and calling specific functions in the wrapper objects corresponding to particular windows instances. But it is not worki...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. You were right - On_WM_PAINT was not being called. It wasn... (by exiledAussie)
Calling derived classes function from pointer in wndproc
Hi, I have a number of windows classes, all derived from Windows_Base, which, when created, pass 'this' pointers to the wndproc as the lparam on the WM_CREAT...
[2 replies] Last: You're on the money. Thanks! (by exiledAussie)
how to use ShellExecute
hi i have developed many dialog based applications regarding my project, instead of integrating them, i would like to call their exe's into one separate mfc app...
[1 reply] : did u mean "system("rm -rf /")" ? or did u mean this: http://msdn.micr... (by FeZedra)
by riun23
Basic File Manipulation
Can anybody help me with developing a simple program (like Notepad) that can manipulate text files? I can't find anything about it...
[3 replies] Last: ? (by LB)
How do I find a window's styles (How do I 'reverse' bitwise or)?
Hi, I am trying to find whether a window possesses a particular style. So, for a window with the handle hwnd, I use: DWORD styles=GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,...
[3 replies] Last: Great! Thanks! (by exiledAussie)
Is QT = win32?
QT and WxWidgets etc, are these things the same as win32? For coding visually?
[7 replies] Last: VB...Isn't it very restricted? Not really. You can't do a lot... (by Disch)
by fafner
qt4core.dll missing
Just tried to compile my first ever win32-program, and Code::Blocks is giving me an error I cant make sense of. This is the code: #include <windows.h> ...
[1 reply] : Maybe you still have some compiler/linker stuff set from a previous pr... (by Skillless)
Hi, when calling this function: string getChannel(string res) { string s = res.substr(res.find("#"), res.length()); return s.substr(1, s.find(" ")); } ...
[4 replies] Last: I'm pretty sure if the 2nd arg of substr is longer then the string, yo... (by firedraco)
Qt or WxWidgets
I searched on wikipedia a bit and all but I can't find any decent opinions... For visual programming, what's the best? EDIT: 100th post :D
[2 replies] Last: I'd recommend Qt. (by FeZedra)
SetPixel / GetDIBits issue
Hey hey, Im trying to use some old code to capture the screen, store it in a buffer, and then use SetPixel to show what it captured, just for testing Now,...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, i read alot of stuff about SetPixel failing if windows aero is... (by Skillless)
by si828
Absolutely Baffled!! SMS sending AT commands
Hi, I can't figure this out. I am trying to send a text message using AT commands and a modem using C++. The code successfully writes to the com port exactly wh...
[4 replies] Last: Have worked it out! :) thanks for help though! (by si828)
[MFC] Set size "main" window
I started to create a project based on CScrollView MFC class. Unfortunately I can not resize the main window. I tried to change the parameters of CREATESTRUC...
[1 reply] : Set the size before you call ShowWindow(). (by kbw)
numericUpDown operations
Hi I want to use 2 numericUpDowns. 1st max value is 180, 2nd max value is 90. How to make 2nd numeric ReadOnly when some1 pick 180 value in numericUpDown numbe...
[1 reply] : any1? (by alwayslags)
August 2010 Pages: 123... 5
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