Windows Programming - August 2009 (Page 5)

by Kiana
How to check if window is disabled or not?
I have a HWND handle to a child window, an edit/text box. How can I check if the child window is currently disabled? ( edit ) Never mind, solved my problem, ...
[no replies]
Communication between running application and service [C++]
Currently I have an application (A.exe) which determines when things need to be done, when such a time arises it launches another application (B.exe) with the a...
[4 replies] Last: Convert A.exe to a Windows service and forget about C.exe. When you i... (by webJose)
JOptionPane in C++?
I was wondering if there is an equivalent to JOptionPane from java into c++ and if so how do i access it?
[2 replies] Last: Its basically a library of different type of windows such as an input ... (by Katianie)
Right Click List Box
This doesn't get it... case WM_NOTIFY: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case ID_MYLISTBOX: switch(((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { case NM_RCLICK: MessageB...
[no replies]
Hide the console.
I just started using WinApi and have a nice blank window, but a console shows up in the background. Is there a way to hide it? I found this but it's all ms...
[17 replies] Last: Yes Duoas you are right, and Incubbus that's fine but I'd like to be a... (by hypercube1)
August 2009 Pages: 1... 345
  Archived months: [jul2009] [sep2009]

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