Windows Programming - August 2009 (Page 4)

by Ins3t
BIOS and C++
Hi, adepts! I have question! How a interact with the BIOS ? Whether it is possible to work with the BIOS's Assembly without inserts? Thanks!
[2 replies] Last: That's Borland-only. Typically you'll need to perform a software in... (by Duthomhas)
Message Processing
I have a dialog box resource that looks like this: LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US IDD_ABOUT DIALOG 0, 0, 152, 74 STYLE DS_3DLOOK | DS_CENTER ...
[1 reply] : What'd you modify? (by Kiana)
Winsock Tutorial
Hello I did something like this before but the tutorials posted were in german and the internet explorer 8 page translator didn't do a very good job. So I'm ask...
[2 replies] Last: The first one you gave me is the german one from the other post but th... (by Qwerty2)
random numbers with visual c++
Hello everyone! I don't know if it's a right plase to ask about visual C++, but anyway... I need to generate some random integers. Usualy in C++ I use srand()...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks for help, this code works. (by tom1410)
by orchus
Locating another application's coordinates
Greetings. First message here. I would like to know how I can simulate a click on another application knowing the application's name and the local coordin...
[1 reply] : Sooo, you pretty much had the answer to your question and now you want... (by webJose)
Dialog Boxes
I'm trying to learn some Windows resources and i'm playing with dialog boxes. The problem is I don't know how to make them look like this: http://img526.imag...
[6 replies] Last: @Duoas Yes, that is another thing I don't get....add the manifest whe... (by LoLFactor)
Graphic C++ Game
Hi I would like to make a game with C++ but with graphics I just want to know how to do this I know There is the Windows GUI I could use you know drawing and ma...
[10 replies] Last: i just want to point out: -Qwerty, learn to make people actually wa... (by Shane)
Communicate between multiple windows?
This might seem like a simple question, but is there a way for me to make several windows (console for now, until I feel like installing Boost) that run from di...
[2 replies] Last: See RegisterWindowMessage () for information on getting a message ID ... (by Duthomhas)
Change Combobox Style
Anybody know how to change the style of a combobox? Specificially, is there any way to change the edit control portion of a combobox to SS_CENTER, or ES_CENT...
[no replies]
Integers to CStrings
I know that in the standard library there's a class called stringstream that can be used to convert numeric types to strings and vice-versa but what about conve...
[3 replies] Last: Lol that works! Thanks kbw! (by Dudester)
About template overloaded function .
I type the code on vc6.0 and vc2005, but result're different between them. #include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using std::endl; te...
[2 replies] Last: VC 6 is also known to be somewhat shakey when it comes to templates. ... (by guestgulkan)
C# programs close after ran
I'm a beginner to C#, and my programs close after I run them! What function do I use?
[3 replies] Last: if you're working with console try this: Console.ReadKey(); ... (by johnkravetzki)
by Kiana
keybd_event problem?
Here's my code: __inline VOID SendText(__in_z LPCSTR lpcsz, __in_opt DWORD dwDelay = 10) { for(UINT i = 0; i < strlen(lpcsz); i++, Sleep(dwDelay)) { i...
[no replies]
Resource files won't compile (1,2)
Okay, so I'm using a tutorial(the part I'm on is found at, and I did most things it tells me to do so I can add an i...
[22 replies] Last: Hey guys, I got rid of most of the errors with one line. #undef UNI... (by VenomousNinja)
Determine Control Coordinates
Does anyone know of a good way to retrive coordinates of window controls, such as list boxes, combo boxes, etc.? For example, if I have a list box in my reso...
[15 replies] Last: Disch, I really do appreciate all your help. I did not mean to meander... (by Lamblion)
by Kiana
Browser controls?
As you know, all windows, child windows, and controls (ie. edit boxes, buttons, etc.) are windows , therefore you can get a HWND handle on it. What about br...
[1 reply] : Why not just look at it with Spy++? (by kbw)
by Kiana
How to get child window of external parent window that cursor is over?
This image that I made more or less illustrates my problem. Any ideas?
[6 replies] Last: So, any ideas? I have a handle on the window of the browser, how ca... (by Kiana)
Forwarding Output to Console
Hey... I did create an windows application which an normal window... Also I did create an Console via "AllocConsole" for sending an retrieving status data ...
[3 replies] Last: @web: the first option. i did try this with the Write and Read-File... (by Incubbus)
dll linking failure
ok, here's the deal, I'm working with a dll I've created that defines a number of classes and inherited functions for use with a command shell. The dll compiles...
[3 replies] Last: You have to export your class from the DLL that defines it, and import... (by kbw)
Adding external libraries to Microsoft Visual C++
Hi guys, I'm using Microsoft Visual C++. (1994-98, I'm not sure if it's the best choice for C++ programming on Windows anyway... tell me if you know some othe...
[7 replies] Last: Guys, I have fixed this. (by cppuser)
August 2009 Pages: 12345
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