Windows Programming - August 2009 (Page 3)

VS2008 Problem in pise of code
This Small pice of code this is rum in VS2003 but not in VS2008 result on VS 2003 :- call the constructor. i got this error on VS 2008 "error C2248: 'CVoic...
[2 replies] Last: read this in addition, everything what you need (and what will clarify... (by johnkravetzki)
by Lauke
windows.h references
Hi guys. Can you tell me where can i find a COMPLETE REFERENCES about windows.h implementation? thx
[1 reply] : go to the #include "window.h" and right click on the file name an... (by AshuSyntel)
VS 2008 c++ code problem in friend funcation between diff classes
"cannot access private member declared in class" its probelm related to friend function and i m use only one firend funcation and its run in vS2003 but not in ...
[5 replies] Last: A member function already has access to class member data. This is wh... (by kbw)
Windows Form? to work with codes
i was wondering how do you work with a windows form, -for an example if you want to have a progressbar in the window how do you control that object with c++...
[no replies]
oledb seeting VS2008
Problem in VS2008 for SDK is not responce c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\include\oledb.h(633) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before ...
[1 reply] : You shouldn't change system header files. (by kbw)
What Should I Learn?
Should I learn C# or C? Another Question what is the difference between C# and C?
[12 replies] Last: I wouldn't say C# is completely useless. A great number of business a... (by Return 0)
Call prgramm from a program and close calling program
Hello, I would like to start a program B with an autorun.inf when I plug in an USB stick. The program is on the HDD, however, there seems to be a dependency ...
[5 replies] Last: Ok, now it is working more or less... I put the folder of the proce... (by tomasito)
problem in VS2008
this pise of code is Smoottly run in VS2003 but not run in VS 2008 what is the wrung in the code please help me. for (int i = 0 ; i<10;i++) {//i++; // i...
[4 replies] Last: Hi @Grey Wolf and johnkravetzki Thank you very much for fast repl... (by AshuSyntel)
by Gregor
catching console close in win32 app
Hai AllocConsole(); a console pops up when you redirect output and use it. I'd like to know when user closes that window so I can do some cleanup...
[1 reply] : (by Incubbus)
by chipp
completely new (bie)!
hy, i completely new to windows programming, can anyone tell me how to programming in windows with C++? i you have e book, if you might...
[6 replies] Last: awwight, then i'll try to look at it... i'll ask if there's any troubl... (by chipp)
hi all. i wanna to connect to sql database, so i need mysql.lib, right? where can i get it?
[7 replies] Last: Tell me, i need to do this! main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved e... (by alexprg1920)
by j3lps
Vector push back slows program...
Hi all, I'm fairly new to programming and I'm writing a program which has around 6 variables that change at each time step, and at each time step I append th...
[3 replies] Last: So I was actually wrong about this - it wasn't actually appending vect... (by j3lps)
Problem with Endless loop
So i wrote this code... double spin(int); void RadiusChange(); bool Control = false; int radius;; int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,HINSTA...
[3 replies] Last: In order to have a GUI, you need to have a messge pump. A message pum... (by webJose)
Command Line Parameters
void main(int argc, int** argv) { /* ... */ } argv is an array of agrc pointers of type char* , each representing a character sequence. int WINAP...
[2 replies] Last: But I'm not using wide characters... Anyway, I'll just write my own pa... (by Tom Backton)
by kingis
how to display many picture in 1 dialog
Hi, In my dialog, i have 4 picture control to display the picture 1 -> picture 4 4 radio button to select picture 1->picture 4, and 1 button(Load Image button...
[4 replies] Last: I think this is the usual problem of ' inappropriate painting ' in a G... (by guestgulkan)
by macla
How to get MS SQL database size using API
Hi, How to get MS SQL database size using API
[1 reply] : You connect to SQL server using one of several methods: Named pipes, ... (by webJose)
Wats the value of the expression?
Hi everyone I want to know how this expression works int b=5; int c=(b++)+(++b)+(++b)+(++b); printf("%d",c); The answer is coming out to be c=27....
[2 replies] Last: The answer is very, very, very undefined, as the standard does not def... (by jsmith)
by Force
Direct3D8 Debug
Hi again!I've installed DX SDK 8 and I had a few problems with a basic Window programming and displaying surfaces.I solved the problems,although it took me 6 ho...
[5 replies] Last: If i use the reference, i linked to above and look at the functions de... (by Incubbus)
iostream with wincon?
I'm trying to make a windows aplication with a console. Here's my code: #include "windows.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; ...
[1 reply] : Adding Console I/O to a Win32 GUI App (by Duthomhas)
by Null
How to find all files
How can i find all files on the volume (or search by extension)? Thanks!
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by Null)
August 2009 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [jul2009] [sep2009]

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