Windows Programming - August 2009 (Page 2)

kernal coding
i have to make a project on operating system so i decided to design a small kernal with few commands like help,cut,list etc.i know c & c++ basics very well. so...
[14 replies] Last: I'm slovenian (yeah, google that, you will see that ve'we been bitche... (by Gregor)
Console keeps closing
Ive tried multiple things to keep the console from closing but after i type in name and age it still closes before i get to see the output. ive tried cin.get() ...
[13 replies] Last: #include "C:\Users\Tyler\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\std_... (by narcissisticcheer)
Issues with using ControlService(hService, CustomCommand) and VISTA/Windows7?
I currently have a Windows Service written in C# .NET 2.0 which is automatically started and runs under the LocalSystem account - lets call it Serv.exe - this s...
[1 reply] : The main change from XP to Vista service-wise is the fact that service... (by webJose)
windows.h and undefined ref
I have the following programs: astrowin.h #ifndef ASTROWIN_H #define ASTROWIN_H #include <windows.h> HBRUSH BuildBrush(BYTE,BYTE,BYTE); #endif...
[1 reply] : astrowin.h is only forward-declaring the BuildBrush() function. You n... (by webJose)
How to get a Windows Service custom Status? [C++/C#]
I have a created a C# windows service (Serv.exe) which is responsible for performing various tasks at the request of a running application (A.exe), some of thes...
[1 reply] : I'm not sure if what you want is possible. Instead, I wouldn't break ... (by webJose)
can't inject .dlls
Hi all. I'm trying to basic injection with Dev-C++. There is no compilation error but nothing happens. I just create the new .dll project. Then add MessageBox(...
[4 replies] Last: OK thanks. (by angeldust)
ADO Connection String.
I am currently having problems with my ADO connection string. I have searched all over the internet for a solution to this problem but I have yet to find a sol...
[1 reply] : Check out When you use Windows A... (by webJose)
Pass Struct By Reference Or Value
I have declared and defined a struct in a header file, i.e.,... struct MYSTRUCT { char* szChar; HFONT hFont; : MYSTRUCT ms = { "aaa", hCourN...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you. That's moving into C++, but I need to do exactly that in so... (by Lamblion)
Gaussian Distribution
I have been given the task to program a Gaussian Markov Mobility Model that will work in Qualnet. The implementation of this mobility model is in C++. I have...
[1 reply] : (by Zaita)
How to open a large text file in a TextBox?
Hi all, I'm new here and I would like you to help me out with something. Turns out I need to open a large (6 mb) text file in a Windows Form (using C++). I've ...
[7 replies] Last: Use Win32 MMF (by george135)
colour of text not hole item of tree control.
Hello Friend how can i change the colour of text which is present on the tree control FYI m_treeItem->setTextColor(RGB ( 155, 255 ,255 ); m_treeItem->s...
[3 replies] Last: So one item, two colors. I understand, yes. You can still pull it of... (by webJose)
WS_CHILD grayed out bar
Hey guys, Just wondering, is it possible to create a window with the WS_CHILD and WS_CAPTION styles and not have it grayed out? Thanks!
[1 reply] : Nevermind, I got it working. It involves intercepting two messages... ... (by enigmatix)
WinAPI Questions...
1. Does GetCursorPos() give the cursor's position relative to the screen or relative to the window? 2. How do I change the window's title after it has been c...
[1 reply] : First search result in Google for "GetCursorPos": http://msdn.microso... (by webJose)
File Handling
Hi All, I want to search the content of a file for a specific word and write the resulted list in another file. For example ABC.txt contains file names with e...
[2 replies] Last: Actually, this file has other information as well(in which i am not in... (by PratibhaKathare)
QT vs VC++
Hi there.i have a few questions about QT and VC++.i decide learning GUI programming.but i need some recommendation.Which does it more performance ?
[10 replies] Last: thanks for advice and your thinking (by areyoupp)
code is show error
#include "stdafx.h" using namespace std; class CMobileVoice; class CVoice { private: int a; int getdata(); public: CVoice() { getdat...
[4 replies] Last: #include <stdio.h> #include<iostream> using namespace std; class ... (by goumuli)
Weird Resource File Errors
Okay, so I'm using Visual C++. I made a Win32 project. I've barely touched the code, although I took all of these changes out and it made no difference. Wheneve...
[9 replies] Last: Try "Rebuild All" If you really did do nothing more than add and re... (by Lamblion)
friend funcation problem in VS 2008
"cannot access private member declared in class" its probelm related to friend function and i m use only one firend funcation and its run in vS2003 but not in ...
[1 reply] : I have never coded anything with friends, but my guess is that you can... (by webJose)
Window Class calling virtual child WndProc
Hey guys, So I'm having this strange issue that I can't seem to resolve. I have two classes, a Window class and its base class, Control. Control is friends w...
[1 reply] : Ok, after much debugging and tweaking I have discovered that this prob... (by enigmatix)
by Entith
Beginners Introduction
Hi I am looking to get into Windows programing with C++. I already know the basics of C++. If you could direct me to any good books on the subject. Any links...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a lot for the replies. (by Entith)
August 2009 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [jul2009] [sep2009]

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