Windows Programming - August 2009

C++ compiler to behave as C compiler
Hi, I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Does anyone know how to compile a C++ program through command line? Also, please let me know if it is possible to ...
[4 replies] Last: MSVS won't install for me (I still haven't figured out how to get .NET... (by Duthomhas)
Win32 and string functions
I'm working through some assignments for class using Visual Studio 2008, and I noticed that I seem to be able to use c-string manipulation functions like strcmp...
[1 reply] : The header files have been updated a number of times, so even though t... (by Lamblion)
Error in displaying rectangles
The aim of this program at this point is to get the window to display a rectangle in the middle of the window, and a box in the top right window. however, neith...
[3 replies] Last: I managed to find the problem - I wasn't using the GetClientRect funct... (by NerdyOgre254)
by noob11
I'm getting alot of errors
Hello I am trying to make a jukebox that allows the user to select a song from a list of tracks First of I am trying to get my jukebox to simply just play...
[5 replies] Last: Well for starters, the most simple GUI would look something like the f... (by mrHappyPants)
Shell Icon (large and small) not apperaing
Hi all, I'm having some problem with my programs icon. When the program is running, the icons in the taskbar, menu bar of the program and when you alt+tab a...
[1 reply] : All good, I just realised somehow I'd deleted my resource definition f... (by mrHappyPants)
by tition
Application has failed to start
"Application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect" I am compiling and running successfully my program with VS 2008 express ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot for the quick reply! I want to do the static linking appr... (by tition)
How do I get Windows Date & Time
I'm not too familiar with WIN32. I have an ErrorLog where everytime an error is thrown, I need to grab the system date and time and write it to log.txt before ...
[3 replies] Last: Perfect. Thank you. (by Return 0)
essential difference between activated and unactivated windows
Hi, From the view of operating system(Windows), what is the essential difference between activated and unactivated windows in process state, system resource...
[3 replies] Last: The priority of threads/processes on Windows is dynamic within a band.... (by kbw)
memcpy error checking
have a loaded up system and i am getting invalid pointer when doing a memcpy... it happens very rarely but it is detrimental to the program. whats the best w...
[7 replies] Last: Visual C++ can catch SEH's with the normal C++ syntax, you may have to... (by kbw)
Distinguishing input from two keyboards
Hi, I'm trying to use two keyboards on one computer and disinguish the input coming from each. For example, one input to a file and another input to another wh...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your answer but it's not the answer i seek. Please ca... (by AzulTain)
by hkproj
good book about Windows
Hi, I know basics of C++, including templates but I am tired of studying without trying the 'real-world c++' So in the past few days I searched for a book abo...
[6 replies] Last: I learnt windows using Petzold way back in 1993 era - I thought the or... (by guestgulkan)
I Posted a article about 6 months ago and that didn't seem to help me much. This time I am posting my code. I am looking for a timer to be counting down while y...
[5 replies] Last: I would use the system internal performance counter... its more accura... (by Incubbus)
DAO - VC++ 6 - 0x80041002
We have a legacy C++ app that needs to work with Access 97 mdb files, and uses the CDao classes from MFC. Recently, the need has arisen to make a few changes t...
[2 replies] Last: Folks, I blush to say that I have found the problem, and that it is wi... (by ArthurHGardner)
Existing project run in VS2003 but not run in VS2008
Hello i need help already Existing my project run in VS2003 but not run in VS2008 , this error is comes Microsoft SDK setting "c:\program files\microsof...
[1 reply] : It seems that you or someone or something else tampered with the oledb... (by webJose)
by Gregor
obtaining visable windows
Hello. I'd like to check if anyone here has done it and how PS: I wont need this for a while since I have other stuff to code atm
[7 replies] Last: #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <tchar.h> BOOL ... (by Kiana)
Special MessageBox()
I am looking to create a message box like a regular windows error box. The user cannot be able click anywhere outside of the box or minimize the box, until 'Ok'...
[4 replies] Last: @brainwork, I cannot quite understand what your are trying to say. Ple... (by favor929)
performance tool
Hi, We hace a project made on C++ using microsoft visual C++. Is there any performance tool available that can tell me the code performance.
[3 replies] Last: Hi, Any answer to my query??? (by pchahar)
Mysql C\C++ connector
Hi am designing a user interface on MFC so that users will be able to access Mysql Database from my Application I have already downloaded mysql connector its re...
[no replies]
string declaration gets Bad Ptr
I have some code here which seems simple enough, but when debugging, I kept getting <Bad Ptr> and CXX0030: Error: expression cannot be evaluated Here are the...
[1 reply] : make sure your build configuration is set to 'debug' (by Gregor)
CTreeView Custom Draw
How can i Change the color of tree control item charecter in CTreeview one Item with Two colurs, like one item like india (mumbai) india (delhi) we ne...
[1 reply] : You can see on classic Win32 ng (C code pos... (by george135)
August 2009 Pages: 123... 5
  Archived months: [jul2009] [sep2009]

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