Windows Programming - April 2015 (Page 2)

by bognik
C++/CLI assembly loading FileNotFoundException
Hi everybody! This is my last chance to find a solution... I am trying to make a photoshop plug-in using C++/CLI and WPF interface. At this point I am jus...
[1 reply] : I've got it!!!!!! I AM THE HAPPIEST PERSON ON EARTH RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! ... (by bognik)
launch program in new "desktop"
Is it possible to create a new "desktop" programatically and launch a new program in that desktop? I find stuff on the MSDN site about desktop creation, but I w...
[no replies]
by malek
disk defrag
I am developing a project on hard drives, I want to know if there is an index on windows, or API that can be used, a C ++ code, which can help us to make a deci...
[no replies]
I am trying to access the data lpCmdline
I am new to Visual studio C++. I am working on a project where I need to use the parameter passed into via lpCmdline. Thank you
[1 reply] : #include <windows.h> int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTA... (by Texan40)
Issues porting from linux to windows (winapi?)
So I typically program on linux, however I wish to release this application on multiple platforms and as such I'm testing the main framework on windows (works o...
[no replies]
Driver Service not being started
Hi I've created File System: minifilter Driver using visual studio 2013 the default code has been built and then I've tried to start driver service using OSR lo...
[1 reply] : Why ? (by strimplepomarico)
GetPixel returns incorrect values
Hello everyone. This is my first post on this forum, please don't go hard on me if I didn't post it in the right place or if I did something wrong, I don't ...
[8 replies] Last: No, still doesn't work neither on VisualStudio, nor on CodeBlocks, tho... (by jonasirgreta)
Combining two bitmaps together?
Hello! I've got two images that I'd like to combine during runtime: https://d...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks ahcfan, TransparentBlt() worked: // load 2 bitmaps - mask and... (by TheHardew)
is MinGW lacking some functionality in windows.h?
I have some code (the specifics dont really matter for this question), that compiles and runs fine with Visual Studio 2013/VC++, but in TDM-GCC(minGW) the same ...
[1 reply] : I use both compilers heavily spiroth, and I'd say they are highly comp... (by freddie1)
by Vincy6
How to include external library netbeans?
I need to use the curl library in my C++ project. I'm using Netbeans installed on Window 7. I' ve downloaded the library. I think that I have to say to the e...
[no replies]
an advice about Direct2D is needed please
Hello all, im experimenting now with Direct2D, its prety simple but i realy cant figure out which is the most efficient and comfortable way to implement D2D wit...
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by igorbez)
by soranz
'Find' coordinates of text on page
Is there any way for an API to retrieve the coordinates of inputted text on the screen (not on the API itself) ? Example in pseudo code: user types: "exampl...
[3 replies] Last: btw fantastic question (by ButchCavendish)
100% CPU
Hello, Please forgive the desperate nature of this post, but I've just had a very nasty experience running a C++ DLL on a production server called from a C# ...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the suggestion. I had tried that already, and you are abs... (by adamant)
best way to create line-by-line formatting in a textbox
As an assignment in my class, I need to make a small app that writes text to a textbox based on user input. I have completed the assignment, but would like to m...
[2 replies] Last: You can add text to a "RICHEDIT" text box and format the added text, c... (by arthur44)
Converting between std::string and System::String^
System::String ^toSys(string x) { System::String ^output = ""; for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) { output += x ; } return output; } stri...
[1 reply] : I think I just did this: std::string str1 = "manamana"; String^ str... (by Texan40)
How to access the UI controls from another thread?
I want to access the UI controls from another thread, I have read in this article (intended for .NET) that SendMessage() is problematic: http://www.codeproje...
[12 replies] Last: To answer your question most directly, I can't imagine why SendMessage... (by freddie1)
Windows Form Application question
I am currently working on a project for school that needs to start a Windows Forms Application under the Visual C++ category. Unfortunately, this template (Win...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by TechStudent)
win32 api text editor errors
i need to make a text editor this is my code but there are some errors like when i re-size my window all the text is erased also scroll bar does not move when m...
[4 replies] Last: Thats way too much code Man. Learn how to debug your program to find o... (by TarikNeaj)
by kim366
Best C++ Compiler?
Hi! I am looking for a light-weight C++ Compiler for Windows like GCC under Linux. I don't want IDEs, because I have my desired text editing program already and...
[16 replies] Last: Since the original poster mentioned program size and Disch even m... (by freddie1)
can indexed array get memory allocation??
hi all; for example write ; write =12; . . long double *epc=(long double*)malloc(13*sizeof(char)); ...
[1 reply] : Your question is a little unclear, and I'm not sure I'm correctly unde... (by Disch)
April 2015 Pages: 123
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