by bognik
C++/CLI assembly loading FileNotFoundException
[1 reply] : I've got it!!!!!! I AM THE HAPPIEST PERSON ON EARTH RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! ... (by bognik)
by sjames1958
launch program in new "desktop"
[no replies]
by malek
disk defrag
[no replies]
by doozer45
I am trying to access the data lpCmdline
[1 reply] : #include <windows.h> int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTA... (by Texan40)
by CubeGod
Issues porting from linux to windows (winapi?)
[no replies]
by digvijay
Driver Service not being started
[1 reply] : Why ? (by strimplepomarico)
by jonasirgreta
GetPixel returns incorrect values
[8 replies] Last: No, still doesn't work neither on VisualStudio, nor on CodeBlocks, tho... (by jonasirgreta)
by TheHardew
Combining two bitmaps together?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks ahcfan, TransparentBlt() worked: // load 2 bitmaps - mask and... (by TheHardew)
is MinGW lacking some functionality in windows.h? |
[1 reply] : I use both compilers heavily spiroth, and I'd say they are highly comp... (by freddie1)
by Vincy6
How to include external library netbeans?
[no replies]
by igorbez
an advice about Direct2D is needed please
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by igorbez)
by soranz
'Find' coordinates of text on page
[3 replies] Last: btw fantastic question (by ButchCavendish)
by adamant
100% CPU
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the suggestion. I had tried that already, and you are abs... (by adamant)
by winStudent
best way to create line-by-line formatting in a textbox
[2 replies] Last: You can add text to a "RICHEDIT" text box and format the added text, c... (by arthur44)
Converting between std::string and System::String^ |
[1 reply] : I think I just did this: std::string str1 = "manamana"; String^ str... (by Texan40)
by Steve92
How to access the UI controls from another thread?
[12 replies] Last: To answer your question most directly, I can't imagine why SendMessage... (by freddie1)
by TechStudent
Windows Form Application question
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by TechStudent)
by khadija520
win32 api text editor errors
[4 replies] Last: Thats way too much code Man. Learn how to debug your program to find o... (by TarikNeaj)
by kim366
Best C++ Compiler?
[16 replies] Last: Since the original poster mentioned program size and Disch even m... (by freddie1)
by nastaran mhy
can indexed array get memory allocation??
[1 reply] : Your question is a little unclear, and I'm not sure I'm correctly unde... (by Disch)