Windows Programming - April 2011 (Page 7)

by Dylan8
OPENFILENAME / Replacing Char Array
Hi Guys, I'm trying to grab a file path through windows' OPENFILENAME then load it with fopen. One problem: Windows returns the path as 'C:\Users\Dylan\Do...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks everyone - It works now. (by Dylan8)
Methods for Windows Form Application C++
Guys. Can Anyone tell me about methods used in Windows Form Application in C++/CLI and a simple example too. Pls. send me tutorial links. too. Im a newbie...
[4 replies] Last: Okay, by the sound if it you are not, necessarily, committed to the ma... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
How to get/set text of a textbox in VC++ ?
I have created a textbox in VC++ using following code. .. HWND ehnd = CreateWindow(TEXT("edit"), TEXT("Enter your text here"), WS_VISIBLE |WS_CHILD, ...
[3 replies] Last: thanks . . .. . (by TheAmitKumar)
by madman
How do I pass a delegate to a constructor
I searched for answers to this but can not find enough detail. Be patient, I'm a beginner using Visual C++. I have created a desktop gui program using Visual C+...
[10 replies] Last: Hanst, It was not meant as a dig at you, just reenforcing the points t... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
How do I Download a file ?
Hey how do i download a file from a web page and store it in some pre selected folder. Using coonsole Program. I`am a noob so sorry if this is common knowlege....
[6 replies] Last: For a straight one time download HTML is easier, cleaner and supporte... (by Computergeek01)
Windows Form application: generate random num.
I'm new at C++ and I'm doing a project using the " windows form application " in C++ . Can anyone tell me how to generate random numbers. My idea is that when ...
[5 replies] Last: errm...yeah...or not. (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by ty98
how to disabil task maniger
I need to know how how to not alow the user to use task maniger. do you have eny ideas ?
[13 replies] Last: That's cool I'll try that ! (by ty98)
by boson
storing the data ?
Hello there, I am tring to teatch myself to program in c++ and by now I am not an absolute novice, but I still have got a massive gaps, obviosly. Here is my ...
[3 replies] Last: Alrigth, thank you for your help guys (by boson)
I wanted to multiply 2 matrices ,but using parallel programming concepts.
I wanted to multiply 2 matrices ,but using parallel programming concepts. can you please,help me by giving me a sample code for this ???
[3 replies] Last: If you want something that's easy to learn and portable: https://compu... (by closed account 1yR4jE8b)
how to close one window.
hello everyone. i am making a program which has multiple windows. how do I program that when one parent window pops-up, the other parent window closes? i am ...
[8 replies] Last: > SendMessage(hMainMenu, WM_CLOSE, 0, NULL); BTW, this is wrong (by george135)
Using Weblink to access data in Cpp program
Hi, can any body have idea about how can i use a weblink in cpp program to read a data from there. i have both Visual studio as well as Dep-cpp
[3 replies] Last: Never use external libs on windows : everything is included in Win32 ... (by george135)
by HenryJ
Is there a library that can replace bios.h?
I am trying to include a library called bios.h, but it comes up with errors saying bios.h does not exist. Can somebody help? Please note that I am using the ...
[2 replies] Last: bios.h was for DOS Replaced by Win32 api (System) for 20 years... (by george135)
by Kahiko
Execute code on shutdown
Hello my fellow coders, I have a question... I want the keylogger that i made to execute code when the application close's. The reason why is because it ever...
[12 replies] Last: Why don't you use sqlite ? (by modoran)
Please, who can tell me how I can get a C/C++ routine that I can use to retrieve the hard disc serial number
As part of an anti-piracy scheme , I need a routine with which I can retrieve a system's hard disk serial number.
[1 reply] : Just use Win32_PhysicalMedia Class from WMI and get SerialNumber prope... (by modoran)
I'm stuck at IRC connections
Hello, I need some help using a IRC connection. I'm using DEV-CPP. I tried using cpIRC and other libs, but the first always ends with "Unable to open st...
[3 replies] Last: You'll need to get a bit more specific. Generally speaking, you need t... (by Athar)
by aatwo
cant create D3D textures - LPCSTR problem
Hey guys. I am trying to create some textures with D3D however I can't get it to work. It keeps failing to initialise the textures :( How can I store a strin...
[1 reply] : It depends on your compiler/project settings if is set to use unicode.... (by savavampir)
Drawing on top of Tab Control
How would I approach? I am using win32. I have a tab handle called hTab and I have drawn the image in wm_paint, however, it is getting drawn under the control.
[8 replies] Last: I think I found the solution myself. I was looking at a list of contro... (by DaSpirit)
Creating short cut to desktop folder , start up menu and programs menu
I am manually writing my own installer program for my windows application.Please how can I get my installer program to create short cut for my windows applicati...
[2 replies] Last: Use this function to create shell link files (.lnk): COM must already... (by modoran)
Visual Studio 2010 or C++ Builder XE
Hello I am new to Windows Programming and i intend to get an IDE and i am thinking about "Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate" or "C++ Builder XE" . but i can't d...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys for replying I did download both of them like "guestgulk... (by hitmanben2)
Please, who can tell me where I can get practical help on using of html help workshop?
Please who can tell me where I can get or give me practical guide on the use of html help workshop. Its online help is kind of insufficient for me.
[1 reply] : Hi, I had to use HTML Help Workshop a while ago and I had a huge prob... (by lnk2019)
April 2011 Pages: 1... 5678
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