Windows Programming - April 2011 (Page 6)

Program keep crashing
i was trying to create a program which will list all contents of current folder(yes i am a noob). but my program is keep crashing. here is the code... #...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks NULL that really worked. i am feeling stupid now lol. if anyo... (by time to c)
help with getpeername function
Hi, I have the following code : int SocketServer::ListenOnPort() { WSADATA wsaData; SOCKET ListenSocket = INVALID_SOCKET, ClientSocke...
[1 reply] : Hint: Do You want every client to use port 2000? ;)... The listening s... (by Incubbus)
Could someone point out the errors in this?
Im trying to make some weird class that creates me a window, but the CreateWindowExW function is failing (the code ish unicode) No compiler errors. I know...
[2 replies] Last: Actually, try to see if something wrong with this, as its failing... ... (by Radioactive)
TextOut giving gibberish ..
Hey, I have spent almost one day to figre the problem out but do not have nay clue what is going. I am trying to print a 'double' number as text on to MDIchi...
[9 replies] Last: Oh ok .. Thanks Grey Wolf. That works great. Thanks a lot. Regards ... (by dotrana)
Ctrl + C = ?
Hi everybody. Is there a way to see-out what I've copied earlier? For example: The code should look something like this: string CopiedText; GetCopie...
[2 replies] Last: Sweet! Many thanks! (by raulkolk)
by corto
Unicode and ascii
Hi there, I'm programming for windows mobile 2003. The device is setup in unicode, but I often need to convert this unicode to ascii (to write in a log for ...
[8 replies] Last: It may look that simple, but I'm trying to avoid bugs that are hard to... (by corto)
setting up SFML
Hi. You probably get this question a lot, but I can't find a definite answer via google. I'm using codeblocks with MinGW. I've downloaded the appropriate ver...
[3 replies] Last: When the project is 'done' or you just want to share it, be sure to te... (by ultifinitus)
To create a "class object"
Hi experts! Can some one help in explaining the step i can take to create class name "Parking" in a parking ticket calculating system, with member function that...
[3 replies] Last: This struct you'd use like Parking p(1.5, 1.2);//I assume you'd writ... (by hamsterman)
Linking to user32.dll
Hi, I'm working with MSVC++ 2005 and I have set up the lib and include directories from the platform SDK as VC++-Dirs. When using the clipboard functions fro...
[no replies]
by honamc
need help
I am new to this and have some problems when doing my project. I am working on SequenceClick, clicking the number for the result of a simple addition calcu...
[no replies]
by dod84
the next step after GUI programing?
Im not sure how to ask this but whats next after GUI programing? Ive recently learned how to use Winforms and WPF with c# but I still think theres more to learn...
[5 replies] Last: Learn vector maths and create the first real time physics simulator wi... (by Radioactive)
Edit Menus?
Ok guys, I had a quick question. So if I took a program, say, Notepad, would there be a way to add additional menu items to it? For instance, Notepad has the fo...
[3 replies] Last: You need to use hooking. Look at SetWindowsHookEx() family functions o... (by modoran)
by ajitm
Format a drive with NTFS
Hi friends, I want to format a drive with NTFS. How we can achieve this using c++. I have search for the same on net but didn't get success. Please pro...
[8 replies] Last: Hardly an answer, and if it's new with Server 2003 it's hardly 20 year... (by kbw)
Creating check boxes with CreateWindowEx()?
So, in the program I'm writing, I need to use several check boxes. I remember seeing how to create them somewhere, but I'm now unable to find how to do it anywh...
[3 replies] Last: Why don't you use MSDN ? Therer are hundreds of code for Buttons h... (by george135)
Win32 API - Getting The Program Name
I've been using this code so far: char caExePath = "", caExeName = ""; GetModuleFileName (hInstance, caExePath, MAX_PATH); int i = 0; for (i = strlen...
[3 replies] Last: _splitpath() (by george135)
by meesa
[C++] GetTextMetrics on global window?
The title says it all, how I can get the text metrics on a global window? Here's what I'm working with: case WM_MEASUREITEM: { int breaks=1; //Amount ...
[2 replies] Last: That's what I found to work after I posted this. I just consolidated i... (by meesa)
Appending to the end of an existing XML
Hi guys, I'm having a problem updating an existing XML but i'm not getting any errors. The aim of the function is to check if the file exists if it does exis...
[1 reply] : ...That last XML file needs a root node, just saying... (by Mathhead200)
by Petya
Run-time errors and memory leaks detection
Hi! Created application is working toooo slow, looks like there are a lot of memory leaks, there are a lot of pointers. So, please, can you advice some effe...
[5 replies] Last: If it's running really slow right from the start then I doubt it's a m... (by Computergeek01)
please help me : which is the best ?(CLI or MFC)
Hi to All. i wanna design a professional software. Features : 1 : Direct Connection with SQL 2 : HTML code editing and build 3 : Search among thousands of ...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks a lot to all. have a good time (by farahmand)
Checksum help
Hello, I'm trying to add a checksum into my source code to prevent people from tampering with some of the images to give them an advantage over others. I was w...
[1 reply] : A checksum is just where you add up all the bits in a file basically. ... (by firedraco)
April 2011 Pages: 1... 45678
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