by Mike ekiM
Visual Studio Graph getting points
[no replies]
C++ Win32 API Get HWND of MessageBox |
[4 replies] Last: I only skimmed it to see if it was relevant to the OP's question. (by guestgulkan)
by rishabhagl
Visual Studion 2003 compilation problem
[5 replies] Last: Visual Studio may decide that something's out of date and force a link... (by kbw)
by ajitm
An Unhandled exception of System.AccessViolationException
[no replies]
by marlym014
need help painting bitmaps
[2 replies] Last: I had accidentally delete the for sentence when I originally wrote t... (by marlym014)
by HenryJ
How to display text on WxWidgets
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I tried the tutorials and understood it, but it didn't say how... (by HenryJ)
by Acidut
[HELP] Autoit to C/C++
[4 replies] Last: You don't need to write equivalent code in C++. Just use AutoIt DLL fr... (by modoran)
by lnk2019
Programmatically selecting (giving focus to) an item within a CListCtrl after redrawing it.
[4 replies] Last: @kbw, I'll give it a go. Thanks for the information! (by lnk2019)
by marlym014
control or strategy selection
[1 reply] : I don't think there is a specific control that you can use. I would s... (by webJose)
by marlym014
need help displaying and ICON
[no replies]
by abhiverma812
How to set cursor/entry point in an edit box after the last character of text in it.
[17 replies] Last: Aha, When I tested it I only tested with 3 or 4 lines so I never need... (by guestgulkan)
by mahertamim
Sending input to another application
[5 replies] Last: @Geek: I encountered the same problem as the OP did, once. My solution... (by Incubbus)
by abhiverma812
edit box issue
[5 replies] Last: hey thanks for reply. I had solved the issue though. Thanks anyways. ... (by abhiverma812)
by rhertz
Problem with a While
[4 replies] Last: Does the edit text lines end with \n ? You may need to use: dwCharPo... (by kbw)
by PenguinJunk
Development Kit Class overwriting memory
[7 replies] Last: I didn't mean to be harsh. C++ has some very simple and basic rules t... (by kbw)
by Khatuni
Audiere in Dev-C++ ??
[no replies]
by TheAmitKumar
Handling the WM_KEY events in child window ?
[no replies]
Issue on constracting a programm |
[3 replies] Last: just remove the semicolon after the header... it should be voi... (by TheAmitKumar)
by ElCattivo
Debugging with VisualStudio
[5 replies] Last: Well when you debug a program it uses whichever configuration you have... (by minime)
by chungifei
Multiline Button
[3 replies] Last: That's good you have done it successfully. I want to ask one thing. I ... (by abhiverma812)