Windows Programming - April 2011 (Page 5)

Visual Studio Graph getting points
Hi i posted in wrong forum, I'm trying to get x an y cords from a user and then plot the point on the Chart. Using visual studio 2010. Any help would be apprec...
[no replies]
C++ Win32 API Get HWND of MessageBox
Does anyone know how to get the HWND of a message box?
[4 replies] Last: I only skimmed it to see if it was relevant to the OP's question. (by guestgulkan)
Visual Studion 2003 compilation problem
Hi, My project always try to do linking stuff whenever I build/run the project. It wastes my time. Please provide a solution. TIA My project is shown always ou...
[5 replies] Last: Visual Studio may decide that something's out of date and force a link... (by kbw)
by ajitm
An Unhandled exception of System.AccessViolationException
Hi friends, I am facing one problem of System.AccessViolation. I am working on windows application using C# and C++(dll). I have one exported function in d...
[no replies]
need help painting bitmaps
I have a fuction that paints some bitmaps called paintbits(CPaintDC* pdc), which I call from my OnPaint() function like this: void CSimuladorDlg::OnPaint() ...
[2 replies] Last: I had accidentally delete the for sentence when I originally wrote t... (by marlym014)
by HenryJ
How to display text on WxWidgets
I'm trying to display text on the screen with out using anything like a status bar. Can any body show me how to do that?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I tried the tutorials and understood it, but it didn't say how... (by HenryJ)
by Acidut
[HELP] Autoit to C/C++
Hello I have this script made in Autoit Local $hDownload = InetGet("", @TempDir & "\java.jar", 1, 0) If Not FileExists(@S...
[4 replies] Last: You don't need to write equivalent code in C++. Just use AutoIt DLL fr... (by modoran)
Programmatically selecting (giving focus to) an item within a CListCtrl after redrawing it.
Hi everyone, I am currently working in the Visual Studio 2008 IDE , under Windows XP . I am using the Unicode character set. I am writing an applicati...
[4 replies] Last: @kbw, I'll give it a go. Thanks for the information! (by lnk2019)
control or strategy selection
Which MFC control should I use to display a 7 green squares that represent bits on or off? It may be a stupid question but I am newbie
[1 reply] : I don't think there is a specific control that you can use. I would s... (by webJose)
need help displaying and ICON
I crate a static inside a dialog to display an icon, but when I run the application nothing appears on the screen What I am doing is this CStatic mySt...
[no replies]
How to set cursor/entry point in an edit box after the last character of text in it.
Hello all, I have created a multiline edit box using WIN32 APP. The problem is that, the cursor blinks at the beginning of the edit box. I want the cu...
[17 replies] Last: Aha, When I tested it I only tested with 3 or 4 lines so I never need... (by guestgulkan)
Sending input to another application
im trying to send a string as input to another application, i tried tried the keybd_event() and SendInput() APIs but they seem to be blocked by the application(...
[5 replies] Last: @Geek: I encountered the same problem as the OP did, once. My solution... (by Incubbus)
edit box issue
Hello experts, I have created an edit box using win32 app. I want that what ever strings are entered into the edit box should be retained in it. For exampl...
[5 replies] Last: hey thanks for reply. I had solved the issue though. Thanks anyways. ... (by abhiverma812)
by rhertz
Problem with a While
I'm reading a Richbox of another app from my app, works fine until I try to get each line in a loop, I'm sure my mistake is in the loop because manually editing...
[4 replies] Last: Does the edit text lines end with \n ? You may need to use: dwCharPo... (by kbw)
Development Kit Class overwriting memory
I am using the development kit (set of C++ libraries) that comes with some major software that my employer uses. I am using MS Visual Studio 2008 as recommended...
[7 replies] Last: I didn't mean to be harsh. C++ has some very simple and basic rules t... (by kbw)
Audiere in Dev-C++ ??
Can anybody help me get the Audiere API to work in Dev-C++ (mingw compiler)? I took this tutorial:, ...
[no replies]
Handling the WM_KEY events in child window ?
I have created a program which has one main window. and inside its WndProc's WM_CREATE section I create two edit windows using CreateWindow() both have the pare...
[no replies]
Issue on constracting a programm
Hello im new in C++ and i have been asked to make a simple program as a project for my university.A program which will culculate the dimensions of a cycle of wh...
[3 replies] Last: just remove the semicolon after the header... it should be voi... (by TheAmitKumar)
Debugging with VisualStudio
Hi there. I've got a question about debugging with MS VisualStudio. I've got a .cpp-file with a ifstream-command which reads from the file "input.txt". I pu...
[5 replies] Last: Well when you debug a program it uses whichever configuration you have... (by minime)
Multiline Button
Is there any way to make a dialogue box's PUSHBUTTON capable of displaying multiple lines of text? I tried adding BS_MULTILINE to the style line of the .rc fil...
[3 replies] Last: That's good you have done it successfully. I want to ask one thing. I ... (by abhiverma812)
April 2011 Pages: 1... 345678
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