Windows Programming - April 2011 (Page 3)

Creating separte strings from one string
My code reads from a file and stores them in strings. Say, I have a string and I want to break it down into separate strings on every white space character. For...
[1 reply] : use strtok () function..... pass whitespace as the delimiter .... hop... (by TheAmitKumar)
by Deluge
Win32 Manifest Causes MessageBox to Not Appear
For testing purposes I've created a simple hello world messagebox in C++ and compiled with MinGW's g++: hello.cpp: #include <windows.h> int main() { ...
[3 replies] Last: Try this.. 1. Make all necessary files. main.cpp #include <w... (by blackcoder41)
Unhandled Exception, Access Violation
Hi, I have been having this problem for a few days now and I can find nothing on how to fix it. I am not exactly new to c++ but I have never had an error lik...
[15 replies] Last: If you're using Visual Studio, turn on Exception trapping and run in t... (by kbw)
by Fsv
Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010
Hi there! During several last years I was developing C++ programs on Linux. I like Makefile, shell etc. methodologies. But now it is necessary for me to deve...
[3 replies] Last: The structure is: - Project - Debug - Release - Target1 -- Debug (tar... (by kbw)
Making a stand alone program
I have designed a simple console program using VC++ 10. Now I want to give it t a friend or use it on another computer that doesn't have VC++, NET framework etc...
[9 replies] Last: Well you can check out the MSVC license. Many Steam games, etc. instal... (by anonymous23323124)
by Neelu
I am trying to access Java from C++ but i am getting some errors
I am new to this forum. I am sorry if I posted in the wrong place. I am trying to execute the code in the link ....
[no replies]
How to set up pdcurses on code blocks?
I've been trying to get pdcurses working in code blocks, unsuccessfully, for days now, and the website that supposedly has the easy installer (pdcurses.sla...
[5 replies] Last: Does anyone know some things I could try that might help? (by blueeyedlion)
by hrx
my code #include "Server.h" //... PLAYERSOCKET * sck2 = (PLAYERSOCKET*)(iValue + 0xC48); std::string::size_type mapsize = Server::Players.size(); st...
[3 replies] Last: As you can see, printf-like output is very error-prone, so you might w... (by Athar)
Bingo Programming!
Need help creating a Bingo Program in C++!? I need to create a program that plays bingo in C++. I'm not too sure how to go about it since I'm fairly new to C++...
[2 replies] Last: Well now what I was having trouble with is that I need to create some ... (by hotdogx17)
by Cucus
Error -1073741819 o (C0000005)
Hi, I'm trying to add "Vertex" elements to a vector. However, when I try to execute the program, I have an error: Error -1073741819 (or C0000005) What doe...
[3 replies] Last: I don't know how to use the debugger (I'm using Qt SDK -> QtCreator). ... (by Cucus)
introducing STL
hi can anybody tell me why and when STL's r used. any example where i can use simple STL in my CPP program.
[2 replies] Last: k thanks (by RoshanShinde)
by minime
Datagrid view selected records
Hi, Looking for some ideas really, I have a datagrid view which displays records. A user can select a record by pressing space, at which point the text for ...
[no replies]
Finding the fastest route
I don't know whether i should post here or not, since i am a beginner, however, no one in that section could answer my question so i'll give it a try here S=. ...
[no replies]
How can I improve this C++ program?
I made a simple decimal to binary converter, but it's only my second program, so I don't know much. Instead of printing every digit separately, is it possible ...
[1 reply] : Well, you probably know that this is already done by the stream, so as... (by webJose)
Best way to collect and analyse data?
Hi all, I am not sure if this is the right place to ask the questions related to data acquisition but I would appreciate it if somebody can guide me in the r...
[3 replies] Last: Mutlithreading is an option, this would be particularly useful if for ... (by Computergeek01)
Sending textbox value to different form
I am trying to finish off my system, and this is the last part I need to do, I have 1 form which is a web browser and it has a textbox acting as the url input. ...
[1 reply] : Without knowing anything about your project, I'll just respond the Win... (by webJose)
Bluetooth programming
Hello all, I want to try my hands on bluetooth programming. Please let me know if someone knows where to start with. I have visual studios with Windows 7. ...
[3 replies] Last: Possibly, but it would be more possible if you just installed the driv... (by Computergeek01)
Issue in socket programming
Hello all, I am making a chatting application using winsock2 (server-client). I have made communication using loopback IP and also on same LAN it is working ...
[10 replies] Last: The 192.168 range is reserved for local intranet connections ... (by Computergeek01)
by Jyrroe
3D Mesh rendering stops back buffer from working?
So I have 2 weeks to come up with a game in C++, in a windows application, and I've written a few classes that let me render 3D meshes. I wrote an OBJ file read...
[1 reply] : Well, here's the code from my draw function, and again, the more compl... (by Jyrroe)
April 2011 Pages: 12345... 8
  Archived months: [mar2011] [may2011]

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