Windows Programming - April 2011 (Page 2)

reading in from a file to a certain point
hi all, question here about how to most efficiently do some file reading. I have a txt file, and must read through the data until i hit a certain word (we'...
[2 replies] Last: you may edit it to your liking/usage EDIT:: i got this function from ... (by metl wolf)
Crash on Vista, works on XP. Ofstream problem ?
Hi there, My program crashes on Vista but works in xp (even in compatibly mode on vista). I found out where the crash is, but I don't know why: ...
[5 replies] Last: Hi there, What I tried: - Change Computername into ComputerName[MAX_... (by Ad Fundum)
How to Make a Calculator in Visual C++
last time i posted this i realized it was in the wrong forum. anyways, please comment, the video is here:
[2 replies] Last: i dont think anyone using visual c++ would not have a good knowledge o... (by SpartanX)
gcnew keyword
Hi, I'm studying C++/CLI programming and I have problems with tracking handles. In some examples an object, such as an array, is created using the keyword 'gcn...
[2 replies] Last: OK. Thank you for clarification. (by joseph63)
Top Level '^'
I've got a question. Is the Top Level '^' a pointer? If not can it be used like a pointer? Many thanks.
[9 replies] Last: Okay that's clear to me now. Thanks! :D (by closed account 3TXyhbRD)
by bayar
Unicode Characters
how can I read arabic characters from file? when i do that i get only one character ??? i think it uses only ASCII, so can anybody help me how to read Unicode...
[3 replies] Last: You need to know what encoding was used when the file was written. (by modoran)
Winsock issues
I am programming a network application using Winsock. Here is my code: #include <iostream> //DEBUGGING PURPOSES ONLY: DELETE THIS LINE WHEN FUNCTIONAL #inclu...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, I was getting highly frustrated and trying things out to see wh... (by rjalaskan)
Cursor - LoadImage
I am embarrased to ask this, but I'll be a green-haired monkey if I can figure it out. I moved up to VS 2010, and I want my cursor to change into that little...
[2 replies] Last: I figured it would be you or one or two others that would answer. I go... (by Lamblion)
[Win32] Troubles selecting ComboBox items
I have a ComboBox, defined like this in my resource file: COMBOBOX IDCB_RESOLUTION, 50,50,50,150, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VSCROLL It's inside a di...
[2 replies] Last: Well, thinking a bit about it, I probably should have had sizeof(stra... (by hanst99)
by HenryJ
How do you use wprintf?
Hi, I am trying to display wide characters. Do any one know how to use wprintf?
[13 replies] Last: Sorry =( I would try to mess around with it more to figure it out, b... (by Disch)
Ellipse() and Rectangle() functions linker error undefiend reference to Rectangle@20
Hi guys Im having a problem with Painting a rectangle on a window. the following gives me 2 linker errors from the Rectangle and Ellipse functions. c...
[5 replies] Last: I need specs :-) (by guestgulkan)
by honamc
What's wrong with this code?
Assume that "userinfo.txt" contain the following text. abc 1234 90 The code is shown below: #include<fstream> #include<iostream> using n...
[6 replies] Last: #include<fstream> #include<iostream> #include<string.h> using namesp... (by honamc)
by honamc
how to show the specific word in text file in window form?
for a text file like the following: ////////////////////////////// username password 95 ////////////////////////////// I wanna get 95 from the text ...
[2 replies] Last: i know how to do it in unmanaged code but how to convert to window for... (by honamc)
by mchei
how to show 2D array in Windows form GUI?
hi everyone i am making a game that i need to show an 2D array using GUI. for example, i create an 2D array field this array contain 100elements of interger...
[3 replies] Last: thanks for reply! i am using vs2010 for my GUI form designing. (by mchei)
WinMain Background color?
Hi, for some reason the background color of my window is always black! I've been googling around and still can't find a solution. Heres the code: int WINAPI W...
[2 replies] Last: This worked perfectly. Thank's a lot! (by Tomau000)
txt file input isnt working correctly..
everything works fine except that it won't stop when it reaches the end of the file, and keeps reading the last word over and over. here is my code: #inc...
[2 replies] Last: wow.. that was simple.. thanks! it works now =) (by metl wolf)
stream_socket_client() in C++?
Hello everyone, there's a function in PHP called stream_socket_client. See Does anyone know of a f...
[2 replies] Last: Why don't you look at php souce code itself ? (by modoran)
by hakon
Filling up networkbuffer?
Hello I have a problem, which I think is because my network buffer gets filled up. The return from the socket are often wrong, extra characters, lines have dis...
[1 reply] : printf takes a C string and I doubt the data received is null-terminat... (by Athar)
by hakon
Problems with winsock on Win7, not XP and Vista
Hello I am working on a project which depends on winsock. I have based my code upon the Winsock guide on MSDN, the only difference should be that I have made a...
[11 replies] Last: Kbw is the one who noticed the double function call. I just did the "l... (by closed account 3TXyhbRD)
How to Crop a Picture using win32 ?
This time I am trying to make a program. Which not only allows users to load a specific image file but later also provides functionality to crop the image. The...
[3 replies] Last: 1) Load the image to a HBITMAP with LoadImage() 2) Create a new HBITM... (by Disch)
April 2011 Pages: 1234... 8
  Archived months: [mar2011] [may2011]

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