by ty98
[1 reply] : (by Bazzy)
by adwatson
LNK2019 & LNK2001 Errors
[5 replies] Last: No problem. Glad to help! (by anonymous23323124)
by squishy
Directx programming, failure on returning from a function? o.0
[9 replies] Last: honestly i havent a clue what im doing :/ my tutor just completely fai... (by squishy)
by kirenemook12
linking Mmtimer.lib
[1 reply] : Great! (by Mazd)
Can't Create a Thread in a Class? |
[2 replies] Last: Yes, you need to create a thread with a function of the type LPTHREAD_... (by Fisch)
by kirenemook12
Fonts problem
[19 replies] Last: wen i try to change the font of the main window, it does not change, a... (by kirenemook12)
by Lamblion
PostMessage() Reception
[19 replies] Last: Upon further reflection, your code won't work anyway. uDataStr is a UI... (by Lamblion)
by nebuli
WaitForSingleObject returns when process is not terminated
[no replies]
by squishy
new problem, model wont draw
[no replies]
by garrido
threads or not threads???
[2 replies] Last: thanks a lot for your fast reply!! Ok, I will try it and I will post m... (by garrido)
by bartoli
Symbols defined multiple times in multi DLL project
[5 replies] Last: Also, if you make some mistake and somehow you don't export anything f... (by kbw)
by failbit
How can I make recv not wait until data is sent
[3 replies] Last: (by kbw)
by Duthomhas
Temporary Directory thoughts
[5 replies] Last: There is no guarantee that there will be a writable temp directory. T... (by kbw)
by Helegurbann
How can i read in exe file with C?
[5 replies] Last: char b[sizeof(*a)]; declares an array of 4 bytes (with 32bit pointer... (by kbw)
by dumdum
windows process list problem
[4 replies] Last: but why not just redefine the function as a template? Two reasons: 1.... (by kbw)
by delhidude792
File get corrupted when > 2GB
[2 replies] Last: This is a duplicate!! DD: never duplicate your post's.... (by writetonsharma)
by torchi12
C++ - Change text color and make it bold & underlined!
[1 reply] : Don't think you can in console applications. I suggest not writing pro... (by WriteGreatCode)
by Lamblion
Scope Question
[7 replies] Last: When you declare a variable in the global namespace that means it's gl... (by Computergeek01)
by aatwo
Question about fprintf, sprintf and their arguments
[3 replies] Last: This was suprisingly simple after Kooths kind nudge in the right direc... (by aatwo)
by Lamblion
Icon Behavior
[10 replies] Last: That's exactly what happened. You forced me to examine each line of my... (by Lamblion)