Windows Programming - April 2011

by ty98
i need to know to make a consol program drow a sercol with out useing numbers siymbols or leters. do you have eny ideas?
[1 reply] : (by Bazzy)
LNK2019 & LNK2001 Errors
I am currently programming the checkers game Fox and Hound with FLTK for a project. When I compile, I get 69 linker errors. Any help with these errors would be ...
[5 replies] Last: No problem. Glad to help! (by anonymous23323124)
Directx programming, failure on returning from a function? o.0
I've been programming a Directx program and made a function to read in a .obj file (a little bit edited by me for simplicity, y'know, to reach deadlines haha) a...
[9 replies] Last: honestly i havent a clue what im doing :/ my tutor just completely fai... (by squishy)
linking Mmtimer.lib
hello everyone i need to link the library Mmtimer.lib to be able to use multi media timers. the problem is, i don't know how to link that library. problem solv...
[1 reply] : Great! (by Mazd)
Can't Create a Thread in a Class?
Hello everyone, I have a class and inside it I have this function: DWORD CALLBACK Function (void *) { return 0; } Now when I try to create a ...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, you need to create a thread with a function of the type LPTHREAD_... (by Fisch)
Fonts problem
hello every one. i am making my one version of notepad. i am trying to make the option that you can change the font. the problem is, it wont work. Wen I try ...
[19 replies] Last: wen i try to change the font of the main window, it does not change, a... (by kirenemook12)
PostMessage() Reception
I need to retrieve a message that's being sent by PostMessage() in another application. I think I know how to code the substance of it, but I'm not sure where t...
[19 replies] Last: Upon further reflection, your code won't work anyway. uDataStr is a UI... (by Lamblion)
by nebuli
WaitForSingleObject returns when process is not terminated
Hi, I've been doing researches on the Internet about this problem for a couple of days now, but everything I tried seems to fail. My C++ application is creati...
[no replies]
new problem, model wont draw
(i did repost this on my previous topic but that kinda died, hoping this new topic will get a reply :), sorry if me posting two topics is a nuisance, but then i...
[no replies]
threads or not threads???
Hi everybody: I have a C++/CLI project to show certain image processing in a AVI video sequence. In my MainWindow I do the configuration of the process, selec...
[2 replies] Last: thanks a lot for your fast reply!! Ok, I will try it and I will post m... (by garrido)
Symbols defined multiple times in multi DLL project
Hi, I'm trying to convert multiple projects in a Visual C++ 2005 solution from static libraries to DLLs. I'm encountering a linking issue, and i'd need some h...
[5 replies] Last: Also, if you make some mistake and somehow you don't export anything f... (by kbw)
How can I make recv not wait until data is sent
Is possible to force recv not to wait until data is sent, but instead check if there is any data to receive and if any data is available it will receive it?
[3 replies] Last: (by kbw)
Temporary Directory thoughts
Hey all. Here's a random Q for you: What do you do when looking for a temporary directory? The Windows GetTempPath () function returns the following: 1...
[5 replies] Last: There is no guarantee that there will be a writable temp directory. T... (by kbw)
How can i read in exe file with C?
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(){long ilk,son; char *a; int i; FILE *dosya; *a=fgetc(dosya); dosya=fopen("C:\\name.exe","rb")...
[5 replies] Last: char b[sizeof(*a)]; declares an array of 4 bytes (with 32bit pointer... (by kbw)
by dumdum
windows process list problem
Hi I am using the code below to print a process name and id. This works fine but I would like to get the process name into a variable rather than printing...
[4 replies] Last: but why not just redefine the function as a template? Two reasons: 1.... (by kbw)
File get corrupted when > 2GB
Hi I have a TCP socket service application running on NTFS Windows 2003 system. It was running fine for a year and suddenly it started showing me corrupted l...
[2 replies] Last: This is a duplicate!! DD: never duplicate your post's.... (by writetonsharma)
C++ - Change text color and make it bold & underlined!
I found some code to make the background gray and the text color black: SetConsoleTextAttribute ( m_hConsole, BACKGROUND_RE...
[1 reply] : Don't think you can in console applications. I suggest not writing pro... (by WriteGreatCode)
Scope Question
I have a main program with a lot of modules. For instance, my LLNCCONVERT program that I discussed in the Icon thread is a module in that main program. I kno...
[7 replies] Last: When you declare a variable in the global namespace that means it's gl... (by Computergeek01)
by aatwo
Question about fprintf, sprintf and their arguments
Hey guys. In my program I have created a log system that uses an argument to determine how much the function can print to my program log, so I can easily contro...
[3 replies] Last: This was suprisingly simple after Kooths kind nudge in the right direc... (by aatwo)
Icon Behavior
I have written a stand-alone program called "Lamb Lion Net Conversion Utility" which you can find here -- Just scr...
[10 replies] Last: That's exactly what happened. You forced me to examine each line of my... (by Lamblion)
April 2011 Pages: 123... 8
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