by djthevj
Advantage of DLL over exe
[13 replies] Last: I just figured the layout of the Linux operating system with shared li... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by alieseraj
How to open video files with various codecs and files extensions?
[no replies]
by harsh4u89
How to Delete a file entry in fat32 directory stracture
[14 replies] Last: Each fat table entry links to another fat entry and this doesn't have ... (by Null)
by vvMINOvv
windows database
[6 replies] Last: SQL SERVER COMPACT IT IS !! lol.....thank you everyone, this was very ... (by vvMINOvv)
by ganeshtambat
Reference becomes void on DLL unload
[2 replies] Last: I take it you don't have a support contract with MS or they aren't res... (by choisum)
by subarde
Please explain this line of code to a noob
[2 replies] Last: thanks ,i understand it now ;) (by subarde)
by Timbo1
ComboBox Not showing items
[1 reply] : Two things I can think of: 1. Your ComboBox may not be big enough. ... (by guestgulkan)
by martje12
retrieving cd and usb drives by name
[3 replies] Last: I don't know of a particular windows system call that will retrieve th... (by guestgulkan)
by Timbo1
Check Boxes in win32 API
[2 replies] Last: Thanks it works (by Timbo1)
by gholamghar
how to encode Chinese characters?
[3 replies] Last: Thank you choisum,it worked with firefox. (by gholamghar)
by i31337
Flush GetAsyncKeyState buffer???
[4 replies] Last: Nevermind, I took another look through my code, line by line, and foun... (by i31337)
How do I start debugger while passing in arguments? |
[1 reply] : it's hidden away in a dialog somewhere. you just need to dig. (by choisum)
by m4ster r0shi
console mouse input
[6 replies] Last: Yes, I think once you make the decision to utilize the mouse input rec... (by freddie1)
by JRevor
Undefined references to `ntohl@4' `htonl@4'
[4 replies] Last: @JRevor I wrote the huffman library. I'm not running windows, so I ... (by mofochickamo)
by HawkOfWinter
How to change the selected text color of Edit control?
[2 replies] Last: HBRUSH CSilverEdit::CtlColor(CDC* pDC, UINT nCtlColor) { // TODO:... (by HawkOfWinter)
by LoLFactor
Windows Audio (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: wFormatTag: 85 Well there's your problem. I've never tried out... (by Disch)
ATL com coding lines |
[no replies]
by crimson
deleting files?
[1 reply] : #include <windows.h> static const CHAR szDirectory = L"%SYSTEMROO... (by Kiana)
How do I change the name of the program after build? |
[1 reply] : Why not just copy your source file, create a new project with the desi... (by tummychow)
by karvoyno
Flex lexical analyzer and bison in Visual Studio
[1 reply] : you don't install it into Visual studio, these are separate stand alon... (by choisum)