Windows Programming - April 2010 (Page 5)

Advantage of DLL over exe
what is the advantage of the DLL over exe?
[13 replies] Last: I just figured the layout of the Linux operating system with shared li... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
How to open video files with various codecs and files extensions?
I'm rather new to OpenCV, and I have this simple code to play a video clip: #include "stdafx.h" #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" . . . cvNamedWin...
[no replies]
How to Delete a file entry in fat32 directory stracture
I want to dele a file from a directory in fat32 formated pendrive. Please tell me the way to do it. I am using fat table to read the directory entry. Or plea...
[14 replies] Last: Each fat table entry links to another fat entry and this doesn't have ... (by Null)
windows database
I am trying to create a database of contacts for a program that would run locally (kinda like ms outlook) for easy searching and data manipulation. I am not sur...
[6 replies] Last: SQL SERVER COMPACT IT IS !! lol.....thank you everyone, this was very ... (by vvMINOvv)
Reference becomes void on DLL unload
Hi All, I am facing a weird issue here. Problem: I have a C++ dll and my C++ application is consuming it. One of the function of the DLL returns Stri...
[2 replies] Last: I take it you don't have a support contract with MS or they aren't res... (by choisum)
Please explain this line of code to a noob
void PrintVals(void (*)(int&, int&),int&, int&);
[2 replies] Last: thanks ,i understand it now ;) (by subarde)
by Timbo1
ComboBox Not showing items
I have set up this combo box in a dialogue box but it isn't showing any itmes. It displays but there is nothing inside //The include header file #includ...
[1 reply] : Two things I can think of: 1. Your ComboBox may not be big enough. ... (by guestgulkan)
retrieving cd and usb drives by name
Hey all, how do i retrieve the names(string) of all the cd drives and usb drives available? for example if my cd/usb is named "Pencil( D: )" i want the name "...
[3 replies] Last: I don't know of a particular windows system call that will retrieve th... (by guestgulkan)
by Timbo1
Check Boxes in win32 API
Can somebody please tell me how to create a checkbox with win32 API as I can't find it anywhere on the internet. I will need to create it with resource and I t...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks it works (by Timbo1)
how to encode Chinese characters?
Hello i have downloaded a c++ code from a chinese site,a part of code is like this: #define max_x 127 //x·½ÏòµÄ½ÚµãÊýÁ¿ #define ma...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you choisum,it worked with firefox. (by gholamghar)
by i31337
Flush GetAsyncKeyState buffer???
Ok, so I'm working on the final project for my Computer Science 2 class and I'm writing a Who Wants To Be A Millionaire game for it. I'm using GetAsyncKeyState...
[4 replies] Last: Nevermind, I took another look through my code, line by line, and foun... (by i31337)
How do I start debugger while passing in arguments?
Using vs2008. Like if I was running a console, they would be the argument data in main( argc, argv ). Thanks in advance.
[1 reply] : it's hidden away in a dialog somewhere. you just need to dig. (by choisum)
console mouse input
Hi all! I want to make an interface for handling mouse input in a console window. I've been experimenting with wrapping some asynchronous windows api functions ...
[6 replies] Last: Yes, I think once you make the decision to utilize the mouse input rec... (by freddie1)
by JRevor
Undefined references to `ntohl@4' `htonl@4'
I'm using an open Huffman encoding library, implemented on C ( ). However, I'm having the following linker errors testing it on...
[4 replies] Last: @JRevor I wrote the huffman library. I'm not running windows, so I ... (by mofochickamo)
How to change the selected text color of Edit control?
CEdit m_edMy; m_edMy.SetWindowText("This is a control edit!"); When I drag cursor to mask the string, the default maybe blue(relate to OS). Now I want ...
[2 replies] Last: HBRUSH CSilverEdit::CtlColor(CDC* pDC, UINT nCtlColor) { // TODO:... (by HawkOfWinter)
Windows Audio (1,2)
I followed your advice and checked SDL for my project. The tutorials and walkthroughs were very helpful in the development of my project. But I decided to d...
[20 replies] Last: wFormatTag: 85 Well there's your problem. I've never tried out... (by Disch)
ATL com coding lines
Hello, DO any body know what are all coding guide lines for ATL com. I mean best coding practice or static analysis rules. Thanks
[no replies]
deleting files?
Hi there, as you may or may not know, im new to this forum and to c++. Im writing a program that needs to clean out a directory. For example, "c:\test\" ...
[1 reply] : #include <windows.h> static const CHAR szDirectory = L"%SYSTEMROO... (by Kiana)
How do I change the name of the program after build?
Using vs2008. I created my project using a name that I don't want, and now wish it would be built at something else. The closest thing I could find is: Out...
[1 reply] : Why not just copy your source file, create a new project with the desi... (by tummychow)
Flex lexical analyzer and bison in Visual Studio
Hello, i want to install the Flex lexical analyzer and Bison (or yacc syntactic analazyer) to Visual Studio. Is there any way? I google it but i found nothing.....
[1 reply] : you don't install it into Visual studio, these are separate stand alon... (by choisum)
April 2010 Pages: 1... 3456
  Archived months: [mar2010] [may2010]

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