Windows Programming - April 2010 (Page 4)

3 Function Program, Any suggestions and advice?
Im am working on a program for class and I am a beginner C++ programmer. I am having trouble passing pointers and arrays. I am going to post the assignment and...
[2 replies] Last: try this code.. #include <cctype> #include <cstring> #include <i... (by ubaidcybercrawler)
by maikel
Sockets in Windows
I am 'relativly' new to C++ and especially to Windows-Programming, although i have a lot of C and Unix experience. So please spare me. Now I am faced with th...
[7 replies] Last: I have to work with ACE at work (some legacy projects) and its not fu... (by kbw)
GetCurrentDirectory() problems
it worked yesterday... but today, there're compilation errors. :o string getCurrentDirectory(){ TCHAR infoBuffer ; GetCurrentDirectory(infoBuffer, 10...
[1 reply] : That code really worked yesterday?? Considering you have the paramete... (by guestgulkan)
cannot CreateProcess()
//all the includes void startProgram(const string); int main(int, char * ) { startProgram("test.exe"); return 0; } void startProgram(const string app...
[1 reply] : Is it in the same directory as where you are running this program? (by firedraco)
Character Array and cstring library
After i prompt the user for input character using array, my program fails to check for bad data and i get stuck since i'm not allowed to use stdio library. ...
[6 replies] Last: p is a character pointer. I've fixed the overflow. Thabk you. The reas... (by selfane)
by mc1982
Access gui components of 3rd party app
Hi, I made a small application named myprog with a text box and a button, when your press the button it checks if the text box has the value 1234, if it does...
[no replies]
by helios
Drivers, pointers, and x86-64
I'm working on a small driver that does a little magic on kernel space. I originally wrote it for XP x86, but now I'm testing on W7 x86-64. Anyway, I communica...
[7 replies] Last: As far as I know, the CPU is strictly little endian. Well, it doesn... (by helios)
I am trying to figure exactly how the SetFilePointer/SetEndOfFile functionality works. Essentially, I'm rewriting a program to have more efficient disk acces...
[2 replies] Last: Hey freddie1, Thanks for the support. I'm actually using them for ... (by txtechhelp)
Getting BIOS Vendor
Hi! I'm trying to write a code which gets BIOS brand like famous tool CPU-Z. What i've found is this, "Windows keeps BIOS info in a registery key which is loc...
[no replies]
when i try to use this function, i get a compilation error. what can i do to fix this?
[3 replies] Last: That is a strange error, alright. I don't know why it's not finding G... (by Disch)
by Timbo1
File doesn't appear.
I am writing a program that creates/updates a file with some predefined text and input from various edit controls. I currently have the file writing with the p...
[1 reply] : Please, I really need help with this. (by Timbo1)
GUI beginner!
hello. I want to start windows programming(GUI). 1. How should I begin? 2. What I need to know? My compiler is Borland C++ 5.02. (windows platform) Tha...
[9 replies] Last: our teacher ought to lose his/her licence to teach for imparting dang... (by majidkamali1370)
Children a good plan:Walt Disney DVD(
Wow, cool! All these great offers almost made me not want to report you! Oh well.
[no replies]
How to unlock files
Hi, I have an application that sends a file via HTTP to a server. After that, the file is closed and a copy of it is saved in a specified folder and then it ...
[4 replies] Last: Actually, I closed the file handle inside the "SendFile" function and ... (by TeresaCarmo)
Shared dll and static dll
Hi, I have created a application using shared dll. But now how do I run the program on a different computer? If I make it as static dll and run, it gives ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks Denis. I used vcredist_x86.exe on host computer and put mfc100.... (by amitjakati)
by smurf
dialog based apps and databases
I am new to windows programming but have been programming in win32 for a year now i would like to know how do i connest a dialog based application with a dat...
[2 replies] Last: I put an ODBC C++ Sql Demo here... (by freddie1)
Please tell me this about dialog boxes
I have created a dialog box with some controls and button on it. When I click on a button, it opens another dialog box. But the problem is, I cannot use the ini...
[1 reply] : Make your dialog modeless instead of model. (by writetonsharma)
win32 open its self again
Hi! I am writing a win32 application, and I want it to open 2 new windows of itself when you press a button. eventually I'm going to make them open in random pl...
[1 reply] : what i have understood is, you want to open your new windows in the pa... (by writetonsharma)
by EruEru
how to Browse image
Hi, i need to use visual studio C++ to create a browse button to browse a photo from my desktop into my programe.. Can anybody help me out with the code? T...
[2 replies] Last: easiest Steps: 1. put a button on your window/dialog box 2. there ... (by writetonsharma)
by joshky
Displaying trailing zeroes with money
I know how to use iomanip.h to set display parameters for console applications, but what about Win32 Applications? How do I get a textbox or label to display t...
[no replies]
April 2010 Pages: 123456
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