Windows Programming - April 2010 (Page 3)

Creating multiple windows using for loop
Hi, I am trying to create a number of static controls (and, soon, edit controls as well) in a window. The number is to be determined at runtime. I use an int a...
[4 replies] Last: Ha! Just dawned on me out of the blue! The HMENU four times table th... (by freddie1)
How to know when my window's focus statues is changed
Hi, I am making a desktop application using the C++ console with "CMU Graphics Library version 1.2 , It is an Event-Handler Application, I want to know when m...
[no replies]
getting the details of a file
hi, I want to get the versions of driver installed in my system. I could get it by manually right clicking the .sys files in windows/system32/driver/. But ca...
[1 reply] : Most likely, yes. C++ is a powerful language. But a program reding a .... (by ProgrammingBall)
Catching Exceptions?
I'm having some trouble understanding how I should correctly catch exceptions from the things I have been reading around. If I put an exception handler that ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, that worked a treat! (by Alias NeO)
Creating Modal Dialog windows WITHOUT a resource.rc file?
I'm trying to get a modal dialog box working that will open up on top of my main window, and I want to be able to create the child windows while the dialog is r...
[no replies]
What would be the best way to render something?
I always want to make everything myself, so i need to program my own rendering thingie. (wich means that i need to try and notice that i fail and then use the r...
[3 replies] Last: thanks. (by Radioactive)
Error in CreateWindow Child
here's part of my code; #define ID_SELECT 1; HINSTANCE hInst; static TCHAR szSelect = TEXT("Select"); static HWND hwndButton; static int cxChar, cyC...
[2 replies] Last: i tried doing that but it still give me the same error... i somehow... (by stevenlau88)
Moving Shapes on a form.
Hi guys, I'm trying to get my head around where to begin with this, I just want suggestions on approach and am not looking for code. Basically what I need...
[5 replies] Last: Update, I got this working, so I can move my shape anywhere i want:... (by Alias NeO)
Dynamic function calling
Alright, what im trying to achieve is to call a function dynamically, Heres the example; #include <windows.h> int main() { char* parameters ; ...
[12 replies] Last: Was more a case of you being aware of what's involved. There's alread... (by kbw)
Creating dialog boxes manually in Visual Studio?
I'm trying to write a small database application for a class assignment, I'm learning about the WinAPI from a website, unfortunately the guy who wrote the tutor...
[5 replies] Last: create them while running? :3 (by Radioactive)
Winsock wrong protocol error...
Hey... i was just doing some standard winsock application and it could not send the data to me because it said, that it would have wrong protocols etc :(... ...
[2 replies] Last: I don´t why, but now it does work without changes, now... (by Incubbus)
by Crippy
Class Definition: a problem
Hello Guys... I'm working on classes and can't quite figure out what's wrong with my program: aparently there's some problem in the definition of my class, b...
[10 replies] Last: oh, and does the same apply for the previous post made, Apr 15, 2010 ... (by Crippy)
ughh.. How would i convert int to LPCSTR?
T_T im messing with the control event stuff...
[6 replies] Last: ok... *To another-thread mobile!* (by Radioactive)
Having trouble making a class and/or header file
I have this simple header file: //Header file for the Race Program // //Contains the Runner class #ifndef _RACE_H #define _RACE_H #include <iostream>...
[7 replies] Last: Ah, it's been ages since I used classes across multiple files, but tha... (by Albatross)
How do you write structures?
Im new to C++ and I'm really confused about how structures work. Write a short program to create a “student” structure that will store a student’s id n...
[1 reply] : Hi... See my post on your thread in "Beginners". -Albatross (by Albatross)
array to bitmap
Hi users My program got a pointer which points on an byte array. The stored information in that array are the pixel values of a gray picture (8 bit color dep...
[1 reply] : I don´t know wether there is a simple function for this., or not... i... (by Incubbus)
WSAGetLastError code 183 O?o
hey... my code for binding a socket creates the error code 183 - not listed in the msdn... anyone knows how this could have happened?... winsock was successf...
[no replies]
I am making an app .. in which there's few table the tables named Month and Expense are having 1 to many realtionship.... when ever I write this query qry...
[1 reply] : (by Bazzy)
by Piety
How to draw lines in Dev C++
How can I add a line like moveto() and lineto() in MFC? Which class these two functions stay in? int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hThisInstance, ...
[3 replies] Last: It should be called from your window procedure, when a WM_PAINT messag... (by NGen)
Geting calling module names
I'am hooking the sendto function and i would like to log names of every DLL which use it. How can i retrieve the names of the DLLs which call to the sendto h...
[no replies]
April 2010 Pages: 123456
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