Windows Programming - April 2010 (Page 2)

Problem sending message to listbox
i'm having problem when using the SendMessage(hwndList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) szString); the szString contain the string that wanted to add into the li...
[4 replies] Last: thanks Lamblion =) i found out why the reason it's not sending..i for... (by stevenlau88)
MFC,Dialog Based Question
Hi , I'm trying to create a dialog based application. There are 2 MFC classed inherited from CDialog their names; MFC_Dialog -- This is main dialog SecondD...
[no replies]
Access to SCSI from C++
I need just enough of a SCSI API to do, at this stage, nothing more than a SCSI INQUIRY command to a device. Does anyone have example C or C++ code or know of a...
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Get lots of pixels colors
The problem is, I want to get many pixels colors in a short time. I used GetPixel but it is very slow. I tried to read about BitBlt, GetBIB, etc. But I just don...
[3 replies] Last: Thx You very mutch :) It works! (by SuperHP)
GetCurrentTime (p)redefined by winbase.h-.-
Huhu... I have an member function of my Manager Class named "GetCurrentTime()"... Also, I have <windows.h> included, which resolves in a problem: because...
[5 replies] Last: I'm not sure that would really work. If you #include <windows.h> af... (by Disch)
I am trying to build an executable on linux platform using a c++ file, but i am receving some errors while trying to make.please help!! the errors i receiv...
[2 replies] Last: I think your problem is that you defined a constructor for Mac, and as... (by jsmith)
Automatically Type Keys
How could you write a program that would automatically type what you tell it to? Like what kind of code would you use etc. ? P.S: Sorry I only learned all th...
[12 replies] Last: Where do I put that? (by Serpent)
How can I get interface of a COM object
I have a library that is COM library. How can I find out objects and interfaces they implement?
[1 reply] : Do a search on your computer for OleView.exe. With that program you c... (by freddie1)
by zsukal
How to get handle to window in system Windows.
I found the code that prints the names of all the windows open in the system. But I still can not get handle to any window in the system. My function always ret...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the tips. I find error in my code, correct is... boo... (by zsukal)
List of Label in a Windows Form Application
Hi everybody !! I actually have 2 questions to ask here (that belong together) I'm writing a Windows Form Application with Visual C++ 2005, and I was wond...
[3 replies] Last: It would be somthing like array<Label^>^ arr = gcnew array<Label... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by Peach
Having problems with the execute path
Hello out there. I'm having a problem with loading a language-setting file (well, actually it's a txt file where the words are being splitted). At the mom...
[1 reply] : Umm... ok I've got it. :-) I'm just gettings the .exe path over arg... (by Peach)
OpenCv: Object detection from a mobile camera
Hi, In the context of my end of DUT intership I was asked to work on Image processing with OpenCv but I am a beginner and here is my problem: I need to detect...
[no replies]
What is the difference between COM+ and DCOM objects?
What is the difference between COM+ and DCOM objects? When and how to use the one and the other? What is the difference between COM server and COM library? W...
[1 reply] : http://en.wikip... (by guestgulkan)
by AJM
Can't see why fopen() isn't working
For some reason the following code isn't working. fopen always fails but I don't understand why. Is it because of the type of sourceFilename? I had been using T...
[6 replies] Last: @kbw magic, problem solved. Thank you. She's all good now and what'... (by AJM)
by evel
Question about the length match?
Hi all, I need create a length match tool for two set of point links. such as: A set include A1(xa1,ya1),A2(xa2,ya2)...An(xan,yan) B set include B1(xb1,...
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drawing shaps??
hi all! can anyone plz tell me or give me a hint on how to create shapes on c++? thanks!
[5 replies] Last: there is a sample program on how to draw shapes here: http://cplusplus... (by blackcoder41)
Where to define global variables?
Hi guys, I'm fairly new to VC++ and I'm having a hard time understanding which locations the IDE has set up for me to define global variables. I have been de...
[4 replies] Last: You declare your global variables in a separate header file, or if you... (by Albatross)
Creating a free floating child window?
I have run into a little problem with my class project, I'm trying to make a dialog box that will be created from my main window, the dialog box needs to have a...
[9 replies] Last: That's what I ended up trying to do, only problem is my second window ... (by HarbingTarbl)
Which Database?
I'm fairly comfortable writing Win32 API apps, but I've never written a single database application. All I want is basic add/delete records with relatively simp...
[3 replies] Last: Okay, thanks guys. I'll give them both a good look. (by Lamblion)
modeless window
is this the right way to call modeless window from the main window? void CGCTPDlg::OnBnClickedAlignment() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler...
[no replies]
April 2010 Pages: 1234... 6
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