Windows Programming - April 2010

Drawing Text In Window VC++ 2008
I found the solution, NVM the old topic. Although now I need more help. I am trying to make a custom icon for my application but I need a resource file? How do ...
[4 replies] Last: You're able to do that. I thought I'd still sook and tell you you're m... (by Mythios)
by Gio
Very easy IDE question
This is a very easy question: is the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express IDE only for C++ in .NET or all C++ development?
[7 replies] Last: So do most of the others. (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by Zykker
Trying to read data from a file, and display in console?
Im a student learning C++ and my teacher is teaching win32 console projects. Im making a project that takes the inventory of the computer department. I can tak...
[1 reply] : Hello, how does the files you want to read from look like? a tip: u... (by Tamao)
by celeb
Troubles with a rare API
Hi, im using an API for playing MP4 and having some troubles: When i call the funcion play() and then stop() a several times in a row it freezes in the funci...
[no replies]
MFC graphics with CDC, CBitmap, OnPaint
Hello, I am using MFC and have a class MainPanel :public CFrameWnd. What I am trying to do is, draw a rectangle, save the CDC into a bitmap, then on the...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply! I got it working don't remember exactly how. ... (by NeoGeoEch13)
Sending "custom" messages through winsock
Hey, I've recently been learning how to implement a winsock prorgam (very difficult may I add, I still havn't sused how to get it working over the internet, if ...
[3 replies] Last: hmmm?... I think I used it as etc... but it is also a valid parameter ... (by Incubbus)
Automatic Code Documentation
Hey Guys, I am developing with Visual Studio and I am looking for a tool for automatic (or rather semi-automatic) code documentation. It would be nice (but n...
[no replies]
"HelloWorld" on win32 programming
Hi all i am new to windows programming, and i write an "HelloWorld" sample, it's: #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> LRESULT CALLBACK WinSunProc...
[10 replies] Last: all, thks, i fix this issuse. and i suppose my compile - minGW l... (by griffinshi)
by jrohde
Non-MFC files and "stdafx.h"
Hello, I have an MFC app in which almost every class is derived from an MFC class, except for a few. In other words, I have a few classes which I've written...
[1 reply] : Turn of pre-compiled headers for the files that don't need it. (by kbw)
How to program BIOS interrupts in c++
I want my software to take into consideration various bios interrupts from the opeating system. How to start for this
[1 reply] : There's already a topic on this: (by chrisname)
DBCS & _MBCS issues trying to force micron character "ยต"
Hi to all, esp anyone that can guide me!! We have an application (very 'long in the tooth', VC++ 6) that has been see to show odd characters on Japanese Wind...
[4 replies] Last: You're welcome. I'm interested in this for my own reasons too! Here... (by choisum)
I have a big problem!
Hello. I just installed microsoft visual studio 2008 on my computer but I don't know how to use It. It creates errors when i even write a simple program. It ...
[5 replies] Last: I saw the first. thanks. but if i want to add something to it where s... (by majidkamali1370)
Call MFC DLL from normal C++ app. and load a UI from it
Hi all, I create a MFC DLL "Static" and with wizard I add a dialog and "Microsoft web browser" ActiveX in this dialog, also I create a class for this Dialog....
[no replies]
Abbreviated timezone names
Does anyone know how to get the abbreviated timezone name in Windows? As i know, the timezone name is based on the name store in the register. But the name is n...
[no replies]
Drawing Something To Screen
I have this code: #include <windows.h> #include "wtypes.h" #include <iostream> const char g_szClassName = "testWindowClass"; // Step 4: the Window P...
[4 replies] Last: I have Windows Vista, lol. (by Serpent)
by sja3l
how to declare a variable as a calendar date
i want to make a program like this unsigned int y, m, d; //char a ={y,m,d}; //char b ={y,m,d}; cout<<"Insert data a: "; cin>>a; //like yyyy mm dd cout...
[no replies]
Tutorial Suggestions
All of the Win32 tutorials are unclear, hard, and confusing. Can anyone suggest a easy tutorial?
[5 replies] Last: (by blackcoder41)
by garob
second console window
Is it possible to open a second console window?
[3 replies] Last: Looks great. Thanks. (by garob)
Random number question
I am trying to store a single random number from 0 to 99 to a variable. This is what I used in my code to do that: time_t t; time(&t); srand((unsigned ...
[3 replies] Last: while(1) means,always be in loop, an infinite loop.You can give pause... (by Dufresne)
2D Bar Graph
Hi, I need to draw a 2D Bar Graph in an MFC project, but i have no idea how to do it. I've found some examples but they were quite complex.I'm looking for an ...
[no replies]
April 2010 Pages: 123... 6
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