Windows Programming - April 2009

by MrCode
GDI+... Do I HAVE to use C#?
Hello. I'm thinking about dabbling in some GDI+ (once my external hard drive with Visual C++ 2009 Express gets here, ;). I would like to do this in C++, as ...
[2 replies] Last: Looks good to me! Thanks a lot! (by MrCode)
Detect text (word) under mouse pointer
Hi forum! I'm wondering how could I read the word behind the mouse pointer. Let's say my app. has a CRichEditView and when user stops moving the mouse I want...
[5 replies] Last: //ticStatic_drv.h class ticStatic_drv : public CStatic { private: ... (by writetonsharma)
Mute windows
How to mute windows system(win32)?
[5 replies] Last: Thanks a lot, Grey Wolf. It works! (by xinsikuangchao)
Trouble loading from .dll file
Hi. I'm fairly new to the Win32API with several years of C and C++ experience. I'm currently trying to make a key hook (just for amusement/learning purposes) ...
[8 replies] Last: slavik262 I don't know why your hook procedure cannot get keyboar... (by binaryboy)
Can setprecision be used when setting a variable
OK here is the problem. I made a program for school that would give a simple math test. Easy enough. Well what is happening is that I got two random numbers ...
[2 replies] Last: So how can i get the total answer to be only so many deciaml points? (by threetime)
Copy-Paste Application!
How can we make a program which reads a string and pastes it to an application that we want? This program can be notepad , wordpad , explorer...etc. Is this po...
[2 replies] Last: look here: ... (by writetonsharma)
DLL loading in VC++
I just want a sample on how to load DLL in my VC++ win32 console application...I have created Dlls already. The problem here is how to load it in C++. Ive seen ...
[2 replies] Last: There are two ways. You can have the loader load the library at app... (by kbw)
Where Did I Go Wrong in My Echo Client/Server? getaddrinfo()
Not the best code out there but i would like to know why my program is forced to exit after i insert IP and Port. This is where it goes wrong, "getFullAddres...
[6 replies] Last: getFullAddressInformation(ip, port, hints, &serverInfo); void ge... (by f ben isaac)
create button in dev C++
How can I create a button in a window in dev C++? Thanks! EDIT:how do I delete this?
[5 replies] Last: I don't see anything important here just delete it See this if you wa... (by kfex)
by JacKal
UTF-8 in DEV-C++
Hi everybody! I would really appreciate any help on this. I have googled for an hour without a result. Few different hints but no one understandable enough. ...
[1 reply] : Do not cross-post. (by helios)
Nonqueued Windows Messages
Hello all, I'm a long time visitor to the site, first time poster. As I understand it, Windows sends nonqueued messaged straight to a program's WinProc, bypa...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help Disch! (by Sinusoid)
File input based program crashing
I'm witing a program in dev C++ that's supposed to open a sorted list of IP addresses and delete all the duplicates. However, when I try to run it I get the "t...
[no replies]
Question about WINAPI funcation!
Hi,guys! I want to write a advance I/O class,that can copy file as the OVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE, the class's snippet: //myclass.h class AsynCopy{...
[17 replies] Last: :) Thanks! Is it a great business to you! Share it to the firend... (by toptony)
How Can I Manage Try/Multiple Catch Blocks - Fix My Code
try { socketFileDescriptor = socket(serverInfo->ai_family, serverInfo->ai_socktype, serverInfo->ai_protocol); if(socketFileDescriptor == ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! The responses helped me (by f ben isaac)
UTF-8 in command prompt (console) (1,2,3)
Hello. First stop, I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 running on Windows Vista Ultimate x64 SP1. I want to make a console program that has a UI in my ...
[52 replies] Last: my god so much of updates... my cousins marriage coming up.. that's w... (by writetonsharma)
How Can Improve This Simple C++ Winsock Code? - Criticize My Code!
This is a simple client/server code (i posted the client code). I tried to let my code tells about itself by putting descriptive names and reducing comments. ...
[5 replies] Last: >>In the sense that making all your code C++ is simply not using the b... (by f ben isaac)
How to deal with #include in a program that needs to "circular" correctly?
I am sorry that I cannot find a better term to describe in the title. Anyway, here's my problem: ControllerInterface.h #ifndef CONTROLLERINTERFACE_H_INCLUD...
[12 replies] Last: You can always see the output of the preprocessor yourself. In Visual... (by kbw)
3 Column IPO Chart- Urgent
I saw this piece of code which I tought was interesting. However, since i'm new o programming can someone please provice the 3 column IPO chart including the Al...
[1 reply] : I greatly appreciate your prompt response as i'm having a open discuss... (by Alexis1)
travel program assistance
The amount of each meal eaten. On the first day of the trip, breakfast is allowed as an expense if the time of departure is before 7 a.m. Lunch is allowed if t...
[1 reply] : Explain what you need help with and I wouldn't mind. Give us some deta... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
CreateWindowEx - System Error 1411
Hello, i've been trying to use the call CreateWindowEx call through JNI-interface. For some reason the function call however returns null which indicates fa...
[no replies]
April 2009 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [mar2009] [may2009]

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