Windows Programming - April 2008 (Page 2)

how to add a frame to a dialog box?
lets say I have a dialog app created using MFC and/or API I want to embbed another program into a frame on the dialog box. So the first step is to create ...
[no replies]
by tedi
How to save sound and video in one stream?
How to save sound from microphone and video from web camera in one stream?
[no replies]
by Gregor
Window with no border, no background
Hello. So, how do you create a window that has no border and no background, much like a loader for some applications have, those that dont paint the whole wi...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Gregor)
GUI skins?
How do programs(such as iTunes for a really basic example) maintain such nice gui skins and etc. Everytime I make something it seems blocky. Am I just missing s...
[4 replies] Last: > I suggest that is very useful site for windows progr... (by george135)
by g0dwyn
MinGW = Bloat!
Man, I just put in the latest version of MinGW (5.1.3). Result? 900kb+ for a "Hello World" exe. I compiled the exact same code on a Linux box with GCC; the r...
[5 replies] Last: ok, but does your array are created in your function? (by geektoo)
Is there any body who can help me to developing a library management system. Actually i do not know any thing about c++. but i must write/develop a LSM! I hope ...
[1 reply] : first move from you, try to do something in c++, if it does not work a... (by guruplus)
stoping on message box in CRecordset
i create MFC Dialog box project named A i create a new class i filled this options MFC CLASS BASE CLAS IS CRecordset class name CADta DataSource : O...
[1 reply] : method delete - Deletes the current record from the recordset. You ... (by guruplus)
Question about iteration
Hello, I am working on an assignment using Euler's method and i need the X value to be tabulated every 0.1 unit. However I am having issues with correct tabulat...
[1 reply] : Hey everyone! Nevermind, I fixed the problem. When I used a counter v... (by zebdor44)
Hey guys and girls i am having trouble making battle ships in a win32 project here is the code i got and the classes are in a header folder. All that happens is...
[1 reply] : It seems that City is not initialized to any value, which can cause gl... (by firedraco)
by Gregor
Windows API problem: LPCWSTR
Hi I have, quit obvius, a problem. LPCWSTR. I use windows.h to create a window in Visual C++ 2008. It's all ok, but when I pass a string of characters as a W...
[4 replies] Last: To extend what SteakRider has said, It would be worth getting into th... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
End process
would like to make a program that shuts dow all my auxillary processes so i am using less memory when i startup. Anyone know a way to do this in C++, yes i kno...
[1 reply] : yeah i know a way here is a source code http://www.codeproject.c... (by guruplus)
writing in other window
How could i go about putting text into a different window? like an IM or something? like: main(){ string out="hi"; outputToOtherWindow(out); ...
[2 replies] Last: @firedraco they do not need to be parent/child windows (by guruplus)
how do you change the output color for programs since they all launch in command prompt? Also, is there a way to get the programs to load in something other ...
[2 replies] Last: use like this ..... some code ..... system("color a"); ...... (by guruplus)
by hitAli
Network traffic stopper
Im looking for program or program source ,wich I can stop internet with hotkeys. If anyone can help , pls do it
[3 replies] Last: I think you can make such a program 1) you should find out which wind... (by guruplus)
by xabnu
Unbuffered Keyboard Input
I am just wondering different ways of getting unbuffered keyboard input. I have some program ideas that, even though they're based on the command line, would be...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot that's awesome. (by xabnu)
by roybj
winapi begginer - how can i register a function as a callback to windows events?
Hi, i would like to write a callBack function and register it to different window events (for example move and resize) using the win api. how can i do that (wh...
[1 reply] : i don't know if you're looking for this but if think you want to do th... (by goti)
hello I'm chinese
I am study c language for two mouthes. Could you(admin) send some windows program source code to me? thankyou very much.
[5 replies] Last: Look for a classic book, and parctice! Code is from writing not readi... (by yangjianxingg)
by doom
Finding primes
I need to write a program that gets an integer 'n' as input and outputs all of the odd primes less than or equal to 'n'. This is what I currently have: #inc...
[1 reply] : Use this function to check if it is prime int IS_prime(double num)... (by guruplus)
key gen
i want to make a program that needs a key to start doing any thing and i also want to make a key gen for it just a simple one that like gets your name and crat...
[1 reply] : There is an article on CodeProject that you may find interesting: P... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by xabnu
Thread Programming in Windows
I have been working on a program that I think would be speeded up if I could only figure out how to work with threads. I'm using Windows XP, compiling with MinG...
[2 replies] Last: Cool thanks. The links from the linux example must be old because thei... (by xabnu)
April 2008 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [mar2008] [may2008]

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