Windows Programming - April 2008

by Gang
Get seconds from 1970
Hello, I have some problem. I need to calculate how many seconds gone since 1970. I used tm structure and mktime()function, but I have wrong results. Here is ...
[1 reply] : Edit. Easier way. (by Zaita)
send or recv breaking char* on whitespace??
the strings i'm getting back from recv aren't what I thought they would be... On the client side, I gather input to send over a socket with this simple code: ...
[5 replies] Last: Ahhhh, ok, you were setting '\0' AT len, not trying to make a new arra... (by firedraco)
Can someone make a program that accepts a word into a chracter array string variable. Display a count of the number of letters in the word. Also display a co...
[10 replies] Last: try out kasamba. google it. you can hire a programmer to do one time s... (by soldstatic)
by sgh
dialog for showing icon list
hi all i'm trying to make a program to get file information. so i intend to change file to open with my custom icon after open some exe file. i'm afraid how ...
[1 reply] : As usually, if you want the api to choose an icon, ask on (by george135)
by ky619
C++ Project.
Hey, I am confused on what exactly I am doing on this project. I am given 3 files; mystring.h, mystring.cpp, and driver.cpp and just asked to implement and tes...
[2 replies] Last: yes, your task is completing the rest code when you see "//finish the ... (by tsubusa)
by tweak
help with system commands
hello all, i was hopeing i could get some help with running a windows system command and getting the output of that command returned into a string. string sz...
[3 replies] Last: @tweak U can use _popen for the same. FILE* fp = _popen("dir",... (by DiptenduDas)
by sgh
add dynamic button in Toolbar
Hi all, while i'm working in msvc2005, i had trouble issue. this is how to add toolbar button in toolbar by dynamic. i mean i set toolbar in my application a...
[2 replies] Last: thanks george135 i'll try it. (by sgh)
switch case blues: case? (should be quick solver)
Oy mates, I'm sucking it up lately. This should be a quick solve for someone who knows whats going on (or who can find an example that deals with it that is dif...
[4 replies] Last: You could do it that way, although since I used strings, I just used t... (by firedraco)
behaviour of sockets
I'm having trouble writing a chat program that is supposed to use sockets. Here is an excerpt of the client side code: void input(void *p){ char buf ; ...
[3 replies] Last: Make sure your entire program is not exiting too, that could be a poss... (by firedraco)
Windows API win2k vs winXP
Hello, I was wondering what the changes were from the win2k api to the winXP api. I found some information on API functions that were removed or depreciat...
[1 reply] : The links are for 16-bit vs 32-bit API. I have not came across a singl... (by saurabhgarg)
How can I make mscomm control with Visual C++ 2003
Good afternoon, I want to know how make a mscomm control with Visual C++ 2003?
[no replies]
by xabnu
Could someone give me a point in the right direction on how to communicate with soundcards? I can create .wav files, but don't know how to send them to the soun...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, I'll look around at those references, and post back if i can't... (by xabnu)
Porting from win2000 to winXP
I was wondering if there are any common steps to port a program over to winXP from win2000. This program was written with Borland C++ builder 6 The progra...
[4 replies] Last: I've actually replaced this dll a few times with newer and older versi... (by NotmyRealname)
windows simple chat program
I'm working a program for class. We're supposed to write a chat program. I was trying to figure out how to get multiple clients connected. Could someone h...
[15 replies] Last: You would do it like this: main { //<-- WinMain(......) //... (by firedraco)
by aTone
I have a general quesion about programming
Hi i am a future programmer and would like to know how much time will it take me to become good at programming... by sayin good i mean like at least create prog...
[1 reply] : Technically, you could become "good" in several days if you memorize a... (by firedraco)
by Gregor
MFC CButton runtime problem
Hi, I have a problem using the MFC CButton class. I want to create n instances of CButton; n Buttons on my window. N is declared during runtime, so I ne...
[1 reply] : The solution: Crate multiple CRect classes. One for each button. ... (by Gregor)
by sgh
problem define Message for User in ATL
hi, all. i got problem while developing c++ program in vs2005. i stuck in this problem. i write code using ATL and connect system tray in taskbar notificatio...
[1 reply] : never mind, i did. (by sgh)
Windows Firewall detection
Hi there, I am trying to retrieve the current state of the Windows XP firewall in my program. I can do it fine for the local firewall settings, however I don't ...
[no replies]
by kenner
checking for a program in memory
I've been trying to find a way to check for a program that is currently running. Let's say the program is x.exe does anyone know how to check for a program ...
[1 reply] : I think you want the 'Process Status API', you can read about it here:... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by stn
Help! DDE project
Hello. I have a serious problem to set up a project from existing source code. I'd like to set up the DDEserv which is available for download. I found this Clas...
[no replies]
April 2008 Pages: 123
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