Something like this?
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class Parent
virtual Parent* clone() { return new Parent(*this); }
class Child
virtual Child* clone() { return new Child(*this); }
void func(Child* p)
Child* acopy = p->clone();
Making clone virtual like that allows you to call derived class's clone function to create a full copy with just a Parent* pointer.
You can make createInstance a template which returns the desired pointer type (rather than a type to the parent class). To downcast from Parent* to Child*, you can use static_cast or dynamic_cast:
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// assume Child is derived from GameObject
template <typename T>
T* createInstance(float x,float y,int index)
GameObject* obj = objList.obj[index]->clone();
return dynamic_cast<T*>(obj); // or static_cast<T*> -- see below
void blah()
Child* c = createInstance<Child>(x,y,index);
Or you can skip the template and put the cast outside the function call:
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GameObject* createInstance(float x,float y,int index)
{ ... }
void blah()
Child* c = dynamic_cast<Child*>(createInstance(x,y,index));
static_cast "downcasts" to derived types forcibly (provided the Child class is in fact derived from the Parent class). It does not do any runtime checks as to whether or not the object actually is a Child.
dynamic_cast does runtime checks to ensure that the pointer conversion is legit (makes sure the pointer actually points to a Child). If it fails, dynamic_cast returns a null pointer. Note that static_cast will never fail, and the resulting bad cast can be potentially devestating!
So dynamic_cast is safer, but more computationally expensive. Probably stick to dynamic_cast unless you're
100% sure you're casting to the object's real type... in which case you can use static_cast