hierarchy charts for .net?

I am moving from VC++6 to Visual Studio 2005. I have bought a few books to help me with the transition to Windows Forms and .net.

I see things (methods?) like StringBuilder, Append, Convert, Environment::NewLine and so forth in the examples in the books and can find info on them in the help files. But so far I have been unable to find a list of all methods.

There must be some way to see all of them - sort of like the old hierarchy charts for MFC.
Where can something like that be found?
If you know the kind of API you need, there's the MSDN documentaion on Visual C++ at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/52cs05fz.aspx.
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I have checked pretty much everything at the link and can't find any general reference to what methods are available when writing a Widows Form application.
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