Copy Files

How do i copy files using Visual C++.
(Note:- I want to copy the file itself and not it's content)
what do you mean with "I want to copy the file itself and not it's content" ?
I just did so many google searches and all I found about the topic was that they showed how to copy the content of the file using fstream.
The code is here:-
std::ifstream ifs("input.txt", std::ios::binary);
std::ofstream ofs("output.txt", std::ios::binary);

ofs << ifs.rdbuf();
I dont know whether the code works or not I want a code to copy the file itself(like when we select a file,right click on it and select copy) and not its content which the code does.
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So you want to copy the file on the clipboard?
Read this documentation at MSDN:
I think he wants to move the file or make a copy of any file.

use CopyFile or CopyFileEx.

to move use rename()
Thanks. That's what I wanted.
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