Data binding and UPDATE

In my software, I have a form with various textboxes and combo boxes. These controls are data bound to a database. Some of the data exists as integers in the DB and some is text. When passed and integer, it retrieves all the data from that record. No worries.

The form is designed to edit the data, and (theoretically) save the data to the database. Using Visual C++.Net in Visual Studio 2005, I can see the UPDATE command in the data property of the table adapter. I can even execute it within the environment and it changes values in my DB. According to MSDN in all it's wisdom, to make it update I need to call
//Where stationDS is the dataset 

Compiling this gives me no errors and the program runs as normal. When the OK button on the form is clicked (the point at which the software would update the fields to the DB and then close) nothing happens. In MSDN it states the command will return the number of rows that have been changed. Doing this, showed me a big fat 0.

I don't know that changing the value in the text box is even changing in the data set, so then the update would do nothing. So the question is, how do I check the dataset to see if it is updating? If it isn't, how do I update the dataset? If it is, how do I update the database? I'm using a MS Access DB but I am quite familiar with SQL and was wondering would converting be worth the effort?

Many thanks in advance, my brain is very sore at the moment.
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