What's the problem

Private Sub Parametri()

Dim ladoRs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim lstrSql As String

Set ladoRs = New ADODB.Recordset

lstrSql = "SELECT * from servisi"
ladoRs.Open lstrSql, "DSN=" & "Videoteka" & ";" & "UID=" & gstrUID, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
If ladoRs.BOF = False And ladoRs.BOF = False Then
txtGratis.Text = ladoRs!gf
gintGratis = CInt(ladoRs!gf)
txtVrac.Text = ladoRs!rv
gintVrac = CInt(ladoRs!rv)
txtGratis.Text = "0"
gintGratis = 0
txtVrac.Text = "0"
gintVrac = 0
End If

Set ladoRs = Nothing

End Sub
This is a C and C++ forum. You want a VB forum.

Good luck.
Double posting after being told that this is not a VB forum is worse and actually posting VB code in a C++ forum...

I hope your programs wont run the same way as your logic man, because then that would be the problem...

I dont get it... what dont you understand from the answers in this post:


(sorry for being harsh...)
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