Custom dropdown window

How do I create windows like combobox dropdown list or popup menu?
I need one to implement autocompletion.
I cannot use WS_CHILD, because child windows are confined to the client area of their parent. I just want my custom window to have the same properties as a combobox dropdown window.
I tried to use WS_POPUP with WS_EX_TOPMOST class, but such windows deactivate the main window, because they are not child windows.
Another good example of such a window is the standard "Run application" window.
It has an autocompletion listbox which has exactly the same properties that I need. However, I can't find information about such window type in MSDN.
Please help, I'm stuck!
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Though I hate to suggest it because it's not the best research experience, look it up in a Wrapper API such as in wxWidgets, or others.
create a dialog and fix a combo box in that.. create dialog with template type so that you can go in the background windows also.. whats the problem in that?
for autocompletion you can use a data file which will save all the searches made till time.
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