winsock and TCP/IP: books

Hello, I'm relatively new to c++ and so far I've been learning stuff off online tutorials (c++ basics, basics of windows, a bit of directx 9 recently) - for fun.

I also started to learn the basics of winsock and whereas there are many good tutorials covering the basics, to really get to know what you are doing, I figured it’s best to buy a good book.

So basically, I'm looking for a good book on TCP/IP and one on winsock programming. Since I’m buying a book, I prefer if it’s complete, covering advanced stuff too (not sort of the "do it in a week" or "for dummies" approach) so long as it starts from the basics. Looking on amazon, for IP/TCP I was thinking of buying "The TCP/IP Guide: A Comprehensive, Illustrated Internet Protocols Reference".

For winsock, I’m not so sure: looking at lists online, some seem a bit outdated (covering winsock 1.1 etc.). But if some older books (pre-2000) are still ok, I’ll buy those ‘classics’.

Thanks in advance.
use MSDN.. nothing better than this on earth.
or you can use unix network programming by richard stevens.. the best book for socket programming.

i suggest you shuld buy/download this book which will cover everything as after that studing winsock wont take much time..winsock is same as unix sockets.
ok thanks, so unix network programming (older/newer edition?) combined with msdn would work without too much looking-up? Do you think it's useful also buying a separate book explaining the mechanisms of ip/tcp?
stevens book has everything related to network programming. so no other book is required. just read the book and start with winsock programming .. whenever you stuck refer msdn.. because some api's might be a little different on unix and windows.

download using a torrent, you dont have to buy these books even :D
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