Thank you bob, I'm using wxDevC++ and I tried the code and its still returning the wrong value. Every time I try to get the value for ActiveBorder, it gets the value from Menu instead. From AppWorkspace and down the list it gets the correct values. Its just having issues with the first 2 values and idk, it just keeps getting the value from the wrong key.
I also tried the following:
1 2
int result = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Control Panel\\Colors",0,KEY_QUERY_VALUE,&hKey);
cout << result <<"\n";
and it outputs 0.
I wasn't able to use the "L" as it gave the following error:
68 H:\Projects\PWS_DEV\PWS_DEV.h cannot convert `const wchar_t*' to `const CHAR*' for argument `2' to `LONG RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY__*, const CHAR*, DWORD, REGSAM, HKEY__**)'
Thanks for your help Bob, I just don't know whats causing this. Its not like its doing it on all of them , like if I get the value of Menu, it return correct, and some other keys as well but when I try to read ActiveBorder, I get the value from Menu. If I try to read ActiveTitle I get the value from MenuBar.
If I try to read Background, I get the correct value from Background, it only acts up with ActiveBorder and ActiveTitle