win32 refference

I think, after many years of studying various win32 GUI tutorials online, I've figgured out a problem. I've gotten very good at making a blank window, or a Dialog box that says Just about anything I want it to say.

Most of the tutorials say to experiment with other settings or styles, yet I never know what other styles there are.

I have more recently found another web site, foosyerdoos that shows more information on adding different controls but doesn't show how to change the text, or get which item is selected from combo boxes.. or find out if a check box is checked or not. It doesn't really tell me what kind of messages i can expect from them either.

I think I have figgured out my problem. I need some sort of Win 32 Refference. Where Can I find all this good information that will let me progress further than a blank window?

Also, I am wanting to work on a program now, that will have to monitor windows messages, as well as multiple winsock sockets, and even a timer.. Now, I know there is a command to peekmsg to see if there is a message waiting to be dispatched, and thus not block other things I may want to do.

But from what I've seen, sockets do block. Are there ways to check those to see if there's data ready before calling the recv which blocks? Or am I about to delve into the wonderful world of Multi-Threading and Event Objects?
ok.. sorry. I have a way of not being very clear on what I am asking.

1. Where can i find a good win32 api Refference? I usually have trouble trying to find things on MSDN, is there a help file or a site that is easier to search for the information I need? Maybe a site that has the api categorized, so I can find what I need easier?

2. Where can I find more information on Multi-Threading, and Event Objects?

3. (new question I didnt ask before) what's the best way to run a specific program from the hard drive while also passing it arguments? I'm guessing a system() call would be unwise, so is there winapi that can do this? (this may easily be answered by the first question, actually.)
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Check out the Platform SDK on MSDN.

See the section on Synchronization for Multithreaded issues.
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