i am trying to use unmanaged code from managed code
i would like to provide the following function from the unmanaged code
extern"C" __declspec( dllexport) HBITMAP * DetectDocumentPatter(HBITMAP* b);
for now the implementation of the code just return the same parameter b
i am trying to access it from .net side
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Bitmap b = new Bitmap(@"C:\Projects\samples\9b.jpg");
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height);
BitmapData bmpData = b.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, b.PixelFormat);
IntPtr p = wrapper.DetectDocumentPatter(bmpData.Scan0);
Bitmap c = Bitmap.FromHbitmap(p);
but the 5th line code through a generic error occured in GDI+
any idea how can i marshal HBITMAP to .net Bitmap ! i've searched here but the content is really misleading
An HBITMAP is a bitmap header (H-BITMAP, HEADER-BITMAP). Scan0, on the other hand, is the address of the first row of data, which is NOT the bitmap header. Therefore your C# code is incorrect.
UPDATE: The question kept ringing a bell in the back of my head so I checked. HBITMAP is a handle to a bitmap object, so the above doesn't apply entirely.
It is true, though that Scan0 is not the equivalent of a bitmap handle, and this is why you get an error.
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(@"C:\Projects\samples\9b.jpg");
IntPtr p1 = b.GetHbitmap();
IntPtr p2 = wrapper.DetectDocumentPatter(p1);
Bitmap c = Bitmap.FromHbitmap(p2);
// TODO : calls to GDI DeleteObject
PS Belatedly noticed that your imported function DetectDocumentPatter is working with HBITMAP*s rather than the usual HBITMAP. Any reason for that? Usually you only use a HBITMAP* for an out param.
MSDN states that GetHbitmap() returns an HBITMAP and FromHbitmap takes an HBITMAP, not HBITMAP*. So you should adjust DetectDocumentPatter if possible. e.g.
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publicstaticexternbool DeleteObject(IntPtr hObject);
privatevoid DemonstrateGetHbitmap()
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap("Picture.jpg");
IntPtr hBitmap = bm.GetHbitmap();
// Do something with hBitmap.