How to use PDCurses?

I've never really used an external library before and I'd like to try out PDCurses.

I've downloaded file which contains everything. I've read the readme and it really doesn't tell me how to go about including it with my projects.

I'm using visual studios 2008 and if anyone can point me to a web page that gives a tutorial on it I would appreciate it cause I've found nothing useful on Google.
I don't know of a tutorial, but it's not very complicated - I use this library myself for making roguelikes. Unless you want to compile the library yourself, you don't need everything in Everything you need is in Put the files 'curses.h' && 'panel.h' && 'pdcurses.lib' in a directory somewhere (you could put them right in the include and lib directories of your VS directory, but I don't like to do that, it's better to keep them separate). Then point VS to those files.

Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->VC++ Directories
Add the directory you put them in to the Library Files and Include Files groups.

Then, for your individual project:

Project->[yourproject] Properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input
In the 'Additional Dependencies' line, add 'pdcurses.lib' (without quotes of course).

Then just make sure that pdcurses.dll is in your project directory, #include <curses.h> is in your source files, and you're good to go.
thanks for the reply, i wont be able to get around to trying it till tomorrow :)
yep no problems now :)
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