I have created a demo file I/O program for school that takes in a string and writes it to files in various ways. However, it doesn't properly take in the string (in fact, it completely skips over the taking-in part altogether). Can anyone tell me what is wrong? I'd like to send the source code and associated text files, so e-mail me if you can to get them from me. It will be easier to help that way.
I tried that, but it won't work. Here's how my program works:
void main()
int iOPTION;
fstream io1, io2, io3;
cout << "/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ Welcome to the File Writer! /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\n\n";
cout << "\t1) Run the program normally\n";
cout << "\t2) Clean out files\n\n";
cout << "Which option would you like? ---> ";
cin >> iOPTION;
if (iOPTION==1)
else if (iOPTION==2)
void WRITE()
string sIN_PHRASE;
fstream io1, io2, io3;
cout << "Please enter a word to write to the files ---> ";
getline (cin, sIN_PHRASE);
io1 << sIN_PHRASE;
system("\"C:\\Users\\Sean\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2008\\Projects\\FileIOTest\\FileIOTest\\io1.txt\"");
io2.open("io2.txt", ios::app); //This opens the file and asociates it with the variable 'io2'. Changes will be ADDED TO THE END of the file.
io2 << sIN_PHRASE;
io2.close(); //Closes the file so that the system can open it to show the user.
system("\"C:\\Users\\Sean\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2008\\Projects\\FileIOTest\\FileIOTest\\io2.txt\"");
io3.open("io3.txt", ios::out);
io3 << sIN_PHRASE;
system("\"C:\\Users\\Sean\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2008\\Projects\\FileIOTest\\FileIOTest\\io3.txt\"");
void ERASE()
fstream io1, io2, io3;
io1.open("io1.txt", ios::out); //This opens the file and associates it with the variable 'io3'. Changes will OVERWRITE THE ENTIRE FILE.
system("\"C:\\Users\\Sean\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2008\\Projects\\FileIOTest\\FileIOTest\\io1.txt\""); //Calls the system to open the file.
io2.open("io2.txt", ios::out); //This opens the file and associates it with the variable 'io3'. Changes will OVERWRITE THE ENTIRE FILE.
system("\"C:\\Users\\Sean\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2008\\Projects\\FileIOTest\\FileIOTest\\io2.txt\""); //Calls the system to open the file.
io3.open("io3.txt", ios::out); //This opens the file and associates it with the variable 'io3'. Changes will OVERWRITE THE ENTIRE FILE.
system("\"C:\\Users\\Sean\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2008\\Projects\\FileIOTest\\FileIOTest\\io3.txt\""); //Calls the system to open the file.
cout << "Which option would you like? ---> ";
cin >> iOPTION;
The cin >> doesn't clear the newline character from the buffer. So when you try to use getline() (which is a more correct solution). The newline in the stream immediately submits it. A classic problem with cin >>. Change it to getline.
// How to get a number.
int myNumber = 0;
while (true) {
cout << "Please enter a valid number: ";
getline(cin, input);
stringstream myStream(input);
if (myStream >> myNumber)
cout << "Invalid number, please try again" << endl;
cout << "You entered: " << myNumber << endl << endl;
Besides the while statement, what is the difference between that and mine below? it is not allowing me to do this (giving me error C2784 and C2780).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
cout << "/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ Welcome to the File Writer! /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\n\n";
cout << "\t1) Run the program normally\n";
cout << "\t2) Clean out files\n\n";
cout << "Which option would you like? ---> ";
getline (cin, iOPTION);
if (iOPTION==1)
elseif (iOPTION==2)