What are the most common C++ tools these days


I haven't used C++ for some time now (not my desire, I have just done a string of Java contracts) so not only is my C++ a bit rusty but I have had little contact with the C++ "community" and no longer know what tools are used.

For example, in the Java world tools such as Ant, Maven, Cruise Control are commonplace for continuos integration and Eclipse is the foremost IDE. JUnit is the unit testing tool of choice too. What are the C++ equivalents (I am aware that these tools are not excluisively for use with Java?

The last time I wrote any C++ in anger I was using MVC++ 6.0. I realise that this has now been theoretically superceded by VC++.NET.

Is version 6.0 still common or has the industry migrated to VC++.NET?
On a similar note, has Managed C++ become common now?

I know this is a Windows forum but if anyone knows anything about Unix equivalents that would be helpful (i.e. is it still GCC and Make?)

Thanks in advance,


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There a couple of good c++ IDEs for *nix systems like Kdevelop and Eclipse(CDT), but i must admit you cant compare to Microsoft's VS2005 or VS2008. I do a lot of programing on my Linux box and i wish for a VS equivalent for linux everyday...but they do the job.
Yeah gcc and make but the IDE will do the compiling and linking stuff for you just configure it for your needs.

Microsoft made huge investments on their .net stuff CLI/CLR... they are on what some people call a "crusade" to make it a standard for windows programming. Teaching the CLI to programmers for free, advertising, etc...
they even created their own language around it, the C# (C Sharp) its mostly java and c++ syntax...

Theres a GNU project of porting the .NET framework its still under development but you are already able to use the C# language on Linux.

CLI/C++(managed C++) is pretty common but not the most used at least by most of my programmer friends and fellow developers at the software companies i work for.
But when i use it i find it very easy to develop and deploy my systems.

I enjoy the MFC though they tried to reduce it's development in favor of the CLI but they failed and launched a huge update for the MFC.
Sometimes the MFC is a prerequisite and we try to not to touch the CLI or make it hybrid since Microsoft's compiler supports it, but only if its ok with the client.
It's not that i don't like C++/CLI i just don't use it much <insert random reason here>, though my current project is in C#.
C++ is my favorite language but i am not a fanatic i know for a fact that sometimes <insert random language here> is better suited for <insert random task here>. Sometimes its C++/CLI.

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microsoft visual c++ 2008
it's free


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