Although I'm not really sure what bencharluo is trying to say, This is how I usually do it.
1.) Assuning your not using some predefined data type (LPSTR, LPDWORD, etc...) you will have to define your own. You can do this by creating a new structure:
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TCHAR byte1;
TCHAR byte2;
DWORD dword1;
DWORD dword2;
2.) Not that we have defined our new data type, can pass it to a windows procedure by using
(I will be use
#define WM_USERDEFINED_MSG WM_USER+1 for the message type)
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TESTSTRUCT ts={'a','b',1337,31337};//construct the structure
SendMessage(YourTargetWindow, WM_USERDEFINED_MSG, (WPARAM)&ts, 0);
3.) Now that we have passed our variable as a reference, we have to intercept and interpret it at the other end.
This will be somewhere inside of
YourTargetWindow's window procedure function:
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TESTSTRUCT *ts=(TESTSTRUCT*)wParam;//oh pointers, how I love thee
TCHAR msgText[256]="";//empty text buffer
MessageBox(YourTargetWindow,msgText,"Here is the data that was passed",MB_OK);
I hope that this was helpful to you. Here is the MSDN Documentation for
SendMessage() that comes in handy a lot.