Linker error, class library, windows SDK


I'm trying to create a simple "OOP-wrapper" for Windows in unmanaged C++.
I've managed to create a set of classes that work. Now I'm trying to separate these classes into a separate library so that I can use them again later.

Anyway, when I try to compile the class library, I get the following errors:
Several LNK2028 & LNK2019 errors, all saying "Unresolved external symbol" and then a windows function for example: "ShowWindow".

I assume I've forgotten to reference the correct libraries somewhere but I don't understand where. Again, this did work when it was just a win32 app.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: forgot to mention that I use MS Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition and the latest version of the windows sdk.
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1. You forgot using the extern "C" to include all dllexport functions?

2. Does your code refer to other .lib file?
#pragma comment(lib,"YourLib.lib")
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I found the problem. It was really stupid of me. I had accidentally created the DLL as a "Class Library"-project in VS2008 which is managed C++. I recreated it as a win32 application and selected DLL in the wizard and it worked.

Now I have another question. Is it it possible to change some setting to make VS2008 automatically look for header-files in all project-folders of the current solution?
Is there a "Additional Directory" in your setting?
I'm not familiar with VS 2008.
Well, yes. I can easily add the directory to any project through the priject settings. I just wondered if you could set some general setting to always include all projects filders of the current solution.
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