Hey fellas, so I'm working on a "database" console program and I've got a little problem. I decided to make every menu in the program as a serperate void function, to avoid multiple "switch" statements and so on. So I'm making a "stock" database menu and I want it to go back to the main menu, which is labeled "start:", but it's already in MAIN() function and not the stock_menu() functin.
So as a result I get "Start" is not labeled. And of course, thats because it is outside the function. So how do I make it to go back to main menu, without using goto or return?
//I am guessing a console application.
int selection = 0;
std::wcout << L"Menu:" << std::endl;
... //etc. the rest of the menu here. Asuming zero is the number to exit.
std::wcout << L"Make your selection: ";
bool goodChoice;
std::wcin >> selection;
goodChoice = true;
switch (selection)
case 1:
case 2:
//etc. Same thing for this and other cases.
case 0:
//The exit case. Don't call any function. Just break.
goodChoice = false;
std::wcout << L"Bad choice. Try again: ";
} while (!goodChoice);
} while (selection != 0); //can be written as: while (selection);
There. No nasty labels or goto's. The innermost DO loop ensures the user types a valid option while the outermost DO loop continues to present the menu until the exit option is given, which is zero in my example.