The Dining Philosophers Problem

Mar 27, 2012 at 6:17pm
The Dining Philosophers Problem which for 5 philosophers, how to implement WIN32API application using C language for the problem? (We should take philosophers as semaphore.)
Mar 28, 2012 at 7:14pm
You've posted this several times now. No one is going to do your homework for you.

Hint. WIN32 API is irrelevant. It's an algorithm, not an interface you are looking for. If you want to build some sort of interface, then it is a separate issue.
Mar 29, 2012 at 5:07pm
Stewbond is right, homework is not to be done by others.
Consider reading this article :

By the way, I haven't understood anything in your post. You could at least be more explicit.
And what's the Dining Philosophers Problem ?
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