windows graphics

i'm trying to create a minesweeper game, is there a way without using extra graphics libraries?
im thinking windows has a builtin library but i have no idea how to use it... please help

btw im using windows 7... and would it differ on other windows releases?
For a game like Minesweeper you can use good ol' GDI or GDI+.
could you give a simple example of creating a button?
A Minesweeper button is probably quite simple. Just create a new window class that draws a small bitmap of the button not being clicked, then assign a bomb (or not). When the user clicks it, either show the bomb or uncover the number. The number would be given by the master algorithm that distributes the bombs.

So in essence all you need is 2 graphics, one bool and one number. I would give you some code, but if you don't know GDI and how windows works it would be wasted since you wouldn't be able to expand it. So best thing for you to do right now is to decide a path (DirectX or good ol' Windows), learn it, then ask specific questions.
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