Getting a Windows Size

Im having some problems getting the size of my window.

I'm currently working on a .dll file in visual studio for use in a project I've previously made.

I'm having trouble getting the size of the window made in the original project using GetWindowRect()

How can I get the HWND from the first project so i can use it in my .dll

Also is there any other ways I can find the height and width of the active window.

Any help is appreciated
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closed account (zb0S216C)
It's best posting this on the Windows Programming board, pal. You'll have better success.

Moved the Post to Window Programming board
GetActiveWindow() will return the HWND to the current active window. I don't know if this is the best answer for your problem though. Are you creating the window inside the dll or just trying to call GetWindowRect() in a dll function? If the latter then perhaps add a parameter for HWND?
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