how to manually open up printer port in vista?

"Unhandled exception at 0x6cfe0a3b (msvcr80d.dll) in Project.exe: 0xC0000096: Privileged instruction."

trying output to a parallel port for my project and it seems i'm not allowed to... using visual studios 2005 under vista home basic 32 bit
You can't access the HW port directly in Vista.

You need to use a special HW library in order to do that.


have you used winring0 before? i was wondering it tells me to just
Add #include "OlsApi.h" statement to your source file.

since i've included the lib i shouldn't have to actually put the header file in my project right?
added library by-
went to properties/linker/additional libraries and added the folder that contains the .lib

because i'm getting a compiler error
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'OlsApi.h': No such file or directory
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