Compiling Error

I made a program that should work properly under normal conditions, but for some reason does not. The programs are cards.cpp and cards.h. I am compiling in Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. I try to compile the program, and I get some error I've never seen before.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'kernel32.lib'.

When I double click the error (which in Visual C++ brings you to where the error takes place), it takes me to the first line - #include <iostream> - so I assume that this has something to do with it. Then, I tried then copying the code into a new named file, and I get a different error that I have also never seen before.

Project : error PRJ0003 : Error spawning 'rc.exe'.

When I double click that, it takes me nowhere. I am including "cards.h", <iostream>, <string>, <cstdlib>, and <ctime> if that helps. It won't work on any program though, even ones that I know work, it was even working yesterday too. Anybody know what's going on?
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Oo I've never seen that error before...umm try doing a search for that file and make sure it's there...also check to see it's not corrupted (although I have no idea how to do that :S)
I think you meant "kernel32.lib".
I've never seen this before, either, but it sounds like your IDE died, somehow.
I have several kernel32.lib. Not sure which is the one your compiler is looking for. Here's where they should be, and their respective SHA1 hashes:

"c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v5.0\Lib\IA64\Kernel32.Lib":
66d0eb5f e91dd28d 32f414aa 5308f787
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib\Kernel32.Lib":
0a35514b 534ecebb 77cafb6f 9e938d96
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib\x64\Kernel32.Lib":
bcaae0c3 1512d772 86892354 8e8242ba
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib\KERNEL32.LIB":
b5f6e096 4e7907b9 b82f9530 acebfb6d
@firedraco, yes I have tried looking on google for this file and I can't find what I am looking for. @helios, honestly I don't know what an IDE is, but no kernel132.lib was in single quotes if that's what you're saying. I am not at my computer right now, but I'll have a look for those files later. Thanks.
What I meant was that you wrote "kernel132.lib", when you might have meant "kernel32.lib".
Who would correct someone for using single quotes instead of double quotes (when it doesn't make a difference)?

You don't know what an Integrated Development Environment is?
I don't know either.
Oh sorry yes I misread it, I meant 'kernel32.lib,' and again sorry I thought you were referring to an IDE drive for some reason, yes though I know what the IDE you are referring to is. I tried looking for those files, but the folder Microsoft SDKs doesn't exist on my computer. However I looked through the Visual C++ folder and I found a folder called lib and I looked through but there wasn't anything I was looking for there. I just finished a search though for iostream, and it brought up 1 file called iostream in: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include. But it is not listed as a header file, it actually doesn't have a type, it just says file. Some of the other files are listed as header files in there though, but the only one I am including (listed in original post) that is a header file is string.h. Could this have something to do with it?
iostream doesn't have extension. That file is the header.

I would reinstall Visual Studio.
Ok guess it's the only option I have. Thanks for your help.
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