windows driver build help please

I am hoping someone can help me out I am n the process of rebuilding a driver and am stuck on this error when trying to build this driver in win2kddk
the error is as follows

c:\WINDDK\tmp\btcap\BtDigitizer.cpp(454) : error C2220: warning treated as error - no object file generated
c:\WINDDK\tmp\btcap\BtDigitizer.cpp(454) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
c:\WINDDK\tmp\btcap\BtDigitizer.cpp(469) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
c:\WINDDK\tmp\btcap\BtDigitizer.cpp(484) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
c:\WINDDK\tmp\btcap\BtDigitizer.cpp(499) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
c:\WINDDK\tmp\btcap\BtDigitizer.cpp(514) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
c:\WINDDK\tmp\btcap\BtDigitizer.cpp(529) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
c:\WINDDK\tmp\btcap\BtDigitizer.cpp(599) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch

the set of code for line 454 is below

// Second, the SVideo inputs if we have them.
DWORD VideoInPin = Pin;
for (DWORD PinToDo = 0; Idx < GUID_COUNT && PinToDo < GetBtCard().SVideoInputCount(); PinToDo++) {
BtXBar::InputPinInfo[Pin].Direction = KSPIN_DATAFLOW_IN;
BtXBar::InputPinInfo[Pin].Conn = VideoConSVideo0 + PinToDo;
BtXBar::InputPinInfo[Pin].PinType = KS_PhysConn_Video_SVideo;
BtXBar::InputPinInfo[Pin].RelatedPinIndex = 0;/*the audio pin*/
BtXBar::InputPinInfo[Pin].Medium.Set = STATIC_GUID[Idx];
BtXBar::InputPinInfo[Pin].Medium.Id = Instance;
BtXBar::InputPinInfo[Pin].Medium.Flags = 0;
BtXBar::Mediums[Pin] = BtXBar::InputPinInfo[Pin].Medium;
BtXBar::PinDirection[Pin] = FALSE;

If anything else is needed to make since of this error please let me know.


Switch off "Warnings as Errors"
Now I have to ask an equally stupid question I am building in the win2kDDK with simply the build command how to I disable Warnings as Errors?

I'll take a look next time I'm on a Windows box. I couldn't find it on MSDN.
Remove option /WX
that is the od thing I am building with no options just typing build in the console
Yes, but the compiler args are set up for you. You need to tweak them. Do a search for /WX.
one more dumb question sorry do you mean search the web the forum or the computer sorryjust extremely new to drivers
The last time I used the DDK, I used 7600.16385.1 (aparently). When I search the directory C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1, for /WX I get hits in:
bin/ which can be controlled with COMPILER_WX_SWITCH
Debuggers\sdk\samples which can be controlled with MSC_WARNING_LEVEL
thanks that got it

one other question i get this error if i go back and rename the i386 folder to x86 in "..\shared\objfre_w2K_x86\" it compiles but I get an error installing I assum that the i386 foldername is in the enviroment variables somewhere just alittle confused on where to look

BUILD: Linking c:\btwin\btcap\common directory
errors in directory c:\btwin\btcap\common
NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make '..\shared\objfre_w2K_x86\x86\
BUILD: nmake.exe failed - rc = 2

88 files compiled - 11 Warnings - 1 Error - 1283 LPS
9 libraries built

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